This ID may be incorrect, suggestions are welcome as always.
These individuals appear to deceased and possibly due to high temperatures given being on the shore and the time of year, they were in a very exposed spot with little shade around the’y recreational mowed grass surrounded by shore area homes.
Found one single cluster in mixed woods. Seemed to be growing from ground. Beech sapling very close by. Hollow stipe. Cut 4 days after picking so unsure if that changes effects .. but no bruising. Slightly darker tan color but seems more from moisture
Yellowing observed at base on day 5.
Growing under oak, only immature specimens, taste was not bitter. Pores bruised tan, became brown over time. Flesh stained pinkish gray, darker gray over time. Ammonia (left) & KOH (right) reactions cap surface, flesh & pores.
Growing under white pine. Some dramatic staining; pores dark blood red, base of stem bright reddish organge, stem flesh pinkish red. KOH reactions all reddish.
Smelled like bullion. Bruising starts within 5 seconds
Strong nearly instantaneous bluing of all parts; no distinct odor; under hardwoods, mixed oak and beech
Growing from the ground on a trail near White Pine. Gills are bright yellow, more yellow than photos show, with reddish brown spots, bruises reddish brown. Mealy scent, scent stronger on pileus, almost undetectable from gills. Viscid/sticky cap (collected during the rain). Phone camera kept adjusting tone, couldn’t decide if it wanted warm or cool lighting.
These little fungi grow out of a pinecone. I don't see a veil, perhaps a thickening in the stem on the two specimen on the lower left side.
Mealy scent. Growing at base of very old white oak
Amanita? Wax cap with ring? Something else?
Found in mossy wetlands, mostly conifer forest.
Almost translucent White gills, bald, scarlet red cap, yellow stipe & ring. White veil, No volva, no warts, non-bulbous base sort of tapered outward.
Did not have mealy scent. Found in conifer forest, Hemlock & Pine. Not a single hardwood in sight.
Thinking T. pessundatum, imbricatum or
Bobcat?/Domestic cat skeleton,
immature mushrooms at this time, will continue to monitor!
Could it be? Or is it just coincidentally growing there???
Very small Spores about 5-6um
Laccaria sp. seems possible?
Observed fruiting on very well-decayed oak log exhibiting cubical rot.