This is just a run-of-the-mill broad-billed, right? The darker-than-usual bill and hints of brown on the back got me hoping I’d seen the berylline hybrid, but I think there’s just too much blue in the belly, the bill isn’t dark enough, and from what I see on ebird the hybrid hasn’t confidently been seen after Aug 24th. Alas. Thanks for feedback! @andrewcore
McGillivray's Warbler
Saw this youngster running along the wall. Tried to get it on a stick but he kept running for 50-60 ft before crossing in front of me I to a bush. Trying to get it to end of wall where it ended so he could be away from street and have more camouflage. He wasn’t having any part of it after under the bush. What kind of bird is he?
Snapshot captured on a live webcam while the Gila fed on a hummingbird feeder.
included photo of the adult that was with the chicks