Cap aging somewhat mottled in appearance, young pores with watery droplets, stipe with resinous dots becoming more pronounced with age.
Bruising brown where handled. Found at the base along roots of an eastern white pine (Pinus strobus).
Smelled like charred steak. Growing on log. Last photo is of the stipe
Cap dry, velvety. Fertile surface gill-like to poroid with radially arranged and elongated pores and crossveining, olive-buff, slowly staining bluish-gray. Stipe relatively short, tapering downward
On wet, well rotted wood.
Doesn’t May Apple mean it’s time for the morels to appear?
Green/white mold growing on the pore surface of Isccnoderma resinosum
Unsure here
Small fibers on cap, resinous dots on stipe, under pine
Partially under soil & needle duff in mixed woods with pine predominant. Forking gills, orange spore print on lower left cap in first photo. Pleasant lemon oil scent.