Three Geese species feeding in a semi-flooded field along the West side of N Staten Island Road. The Small subspecies of Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii ssp. minima) is the goose immediately to the right of the Snow Goose in the first photo, and to the left of the juvenile Snow Goose in the second photo. #5,400
Foraging on levee on West side of Franklin Blvd across from Cosumnes River Preserve parking lot and Visitor's Center.
Perched in tree on West side of Franklin Blvd across from Cosumnes River Preserve parking lot and Visitor's Center. Appears to be an albino Feral Pigeon/Rock Dove all by its lonesome self; it may be a "Release Dove" let go at a nearby wedding or some other type of celebration.
A couple of Snow Geese mixed in with the thousands of Aleutian Cackling Geese along the West side of N Staten Island Road.
Flock of Blackbirds flying along the East side of N Staten Island Road. There might also be some Brewer's Blackbirds mixed into this flock, but the flock mostly consisted of Red-winged Blackbirds.
This observation is for the 6 drake Northern Shovelers in the photo in a flooded field along the East side of N Staten Island Road.