31 de octubre de 2020

Washtenaw County NAPP Nature Preserves

Hey there!

I'm Doug Reith, I have worked with the Washtenaw County, MI Natural Area Preservation Program as a Stewardship Technician and Volunteer Workday Coordinator Assistant. The Washtenaw NAPP is funded by a local millage and manages over 9000 acres of natural areas in over 30 nature preserves. Learn more here:

These are all such diverse and beautiful natural spaces throughout the county, so as I got into iNaturalist, I wanted to track observations in these preserves. So I got the kml files from the county and posted all the preserves as places.

Here's a list of all the places of these preserves. The first place includes all of the NAPP preserves.

Stewardship Saturdays! Volunteer for Nature!

NAPP organizes a preserve workday every 2nd Saturday of the month. They are a great way to explore the preserves and contribute to removal of invasive plants, and sometimes we'll do seed collecting and identifying plants. Check out this link for more info: https://www.washtenaw.org/3055/Stewardship-Saturdays Great volunteer opportunity for individuals, or groups can request an exclusive workday.

Enjoy! Happy hiking,

Publicado el octubre 31, 2020 04:01 TARDE por dooug dooug | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario
