18 de junio de 2023

Poor response time of image server.

Each image registered in iNat's observation record seems to involve the following two servers as far as I am aware.

A. static.inaturalist.org
B. inaturalist-open-data.s3.amazonaws.com

I am accessing from Japan and the response time for A is not bad, but the response time for B is very bad. It takes 10-20 seconds from accessing the image to displaying it. Sometimes it takes more than 30 seconds. When the response time is too bad, I give up looking at the images and stop identifying them.
All of these servers seem to be located in the United States, but I would like to see B's server upgraded or a bigger line.

Publicado el junio 18, 2023 09:17 MAÑANA por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de junio de 2023

I want to paste an image into the journal.

It would be useful to be able to paste photos and illustrations into the journal, but I don't know how to do that. Is it possible??

Publicado el junio 15, 2023 12:35 TARDE por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de junio de 2023

Classification of the genus Isocheles.

The genus Isocheles registered in iNat was mainly dominated by Isocheles pilosus from California and Isocheles wurdemanni from the Gulf of Mexico, but I found some data on the genus Isocheles, which is not ID registered in Brazil, We then ordered and carefully examined the papers on Isocheles.

Then the genus Isocheles from Brazil was identified as Isocheles sawayai. In addition, Isocheles pacificus was found from Ecuador and Isocheles ingowehrtmanni from the southern Gulf of California. Therefore, we established new IDs for each and classified them.

First, Isocheles sawayai was a widespread Isocheles from Venezuela to São Paulo.

Isocheles sawayai Forest & de Saint Laurent, 1968

In addition, only one Isocheles pacificus was registered in iNat.

Isocheles pacificus Bouvier, 1907

In addition, only one new species, Isocheles ingowehrtmanni, was registered in iNat.

Isocheles ingowehrtmanni Vera-Silva & Mantelatto, 2022

By the way, there is another species of Isocheles, Isocheles aequimanus, but I searched iNat's data near Chile and could not find the corresponding species.
If you live in Chile, please search on the coast.

Note that Loxopagurus loxochelis, similar to Isocheles, inhabits Uruguay and Argentina, but is easily distinguished by its clearly larger left cheliped.
Loxopagurus loxochelis is one species in one genus.

Publicado el junio 12, 2023 10:06 TARDE por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de junio de 2023

On the identification of Dardanus crassimanus and Dardanus setifer.

Photographic identification of Dardanus crassimanus and Dardanus setifer is very frustrating because the only way to distinguish them is by the subtle difference in color between the cornea and the ocular peduncle. Moreover, there are many colors that are intermediate between the two, so I honestly do not know where to draw the line.

From the iNat data, it seems that they both have a complete overlap of habitats, especially in the Philippines. Or if we strictly distinguish between them, would these areas be divided?

Nevertheless, I have never seen Dardanus setifer in Japan, and have only seen cornea yellow and ocular peduncle pink in coloration. Rarely, individuals with lighter pigmentation are found, but the coloration of the cornea and the ocular peduncle is still present.

Has anyone collected and compared these two?
Can they be found in similar environments?

Publicado el junio 11, 2023 12:53 TARDE por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Clibanarius infraspinatus from India contained Clibanarius clibanarius.

Among the observed data of Clibanarius infraspinatus registered in iNat, individuals with a strong reddish coloration of the whole body, a large amount of cheliped hairs, and no white backs were found in India. Upon examination, they matched the characteristics of "Clibanarius clibanarius".

Note: The reddish color of this specimen is due to ethanol.

Clibanarius clibanarius (Herbst, 1791)

Therefore, we applied for a new ID and moved the corresponding species.

Below is a list of "Clibanarius clibanarius" that were mixed in with "Clibanarius infraspinatus".

Publicado el junio 11, 2023 02:52 MAÑANA por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de junio de 2023

Lophopagurus pumilus was isolated from Pagurixus hectori.

While examining iNat's Pagurixus hectori registration data, I found an unfamiliar species mixed in with the data, so I located a Lophopagurus pumilus with matching characteristics in a New Zealand paper.

Therefore, we isolated Lophopagurus pumilus, which was mixed in with the Pagurixus hectori observational record data.
I also moved what was originally registered as Lophopagurus pumilus because it appeared to be Pagurixus hectori.

Lophopagurus (Lophopagurus) pumilus de Saint Laurent & McLaughlin in Forest, de Saint Laurent, McLaughlin & Lemaitre, 2000

Lophopagurus pumilus found in Pagurixus hectori observation record data

Publicado el junio 8, 2023 11:17 MAÑANA por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de junio de 2023

Pagurus pitagsaleei was isolated from Pseudopaguristes monoporus.

Several misidentifications in the Pseudopaguristes monoporus record data were all found to be Pagurus pitagsaleei, so we proposed new IDs for those misidentifications. In addition, Pagurus pitagsaleei was not yet registered, so we created a new ID for it.

Pagurus pitagsaleei was found in Thailand in 2002, but this survey confirms that it also lives in Australia.

Pagurus pitagsaleei McLaughlin, 2002


Pseudopaguristes monoporus (Morgan, 1987)

Pagurus pitagsaleei isolated from Pseudopaguristes monoporus (new ID proposed)

If you all tap "agree" the new ID will be reflected.

Publicado el junio 7, 2023 12:24 TARDE por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de junio de 2023

How to identify Pagurus hirsutiusculus and Pagurus venturensis.

I could not figure out how to identify Pagurus hirsutiusculus and Pagurus venturensis, so I scrutinized all 50,000 iNat hermit crab data and found a way to identify them both. Please refer to this page.

Basic characteristics of "Pagurus hirsutiusculus".

  1. The second antennae (longer) are brown with white stripes.
  2. cornea (eye) is black and white.
  3. ocular peduncle (eye axis) thick and short, with black vertical lines.
    The juvenile ocular peduncle is entirely red with a white longitudinal line.

  4. shield (back) is dark.
  5. a blue spot may appear proximal (knee) to the propodus (tibia) of the walking leg.
  6. distal portion (ankle) of propodus (tibia) of walking leg white, vertical line of propodus inconspicuous, entire propodus appears as a black band.
  7. The carpus (thigh) of the pedipalps is white as a juvenile, and the black band appears at maturity.
  8. prefer small shells that hide only the abdomen.
  9. The dactyl (finger) junction of the right cheliped is darkened and bordered prominently.

Basic characteristics of "Pagurus venturensis".

  1. The second antennae (longer) are brown with white stripes.
  2. cornea (eyes) light pink.
  3. ocular peduncle (eye axis) elongate, brown or red.
    Juvenile ocular peduncle may be entirely red with a pale white line.

  4. shield (back) is a bright color.
  5. distal portion (ankle) of propodus (tibia) of walking leg white with prominent vertical line on black band of propodus.
  6. The black bands on the carpus (thighs) of the gait legs are conspicuous even in juvenile stages.
  7. prefer shells with a wide horizontal shell opening.
  8. The dactyl (finger) junction of the right cheliped is white with an inconspicuous border.

Please point out any errors.

P.S.: Representative photos of Pagurus hirsutiusculus and Pagurus venturensis have been reorganized and replaced with photos that are easier to identify.

Pagurus hirsutiusculus

Pagurus venturensis

Publicado el junio 5, 2023 09:39 TARDE por eijimyorin eijimyorin | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
