Great Backyard Bird Count 2022

Looking forward to this year's big Backyard Bird Count. I am so glad that I will be back at River Legacy for this event. Last year we got snowed in but still got a lot of good data on that day and got a pretty good count. This year I will be volunteering like I normally do but I will be getting around to do some of my own stuff after the event I am working and during the course of Sunday. I have been doing this event for a good while now. I love being with the kids and talking about birds. I am hoping we have a good run this year. With the last bit of rain and the high winds I am not sure what to expect. I am hoping that we have a few new things blowing in.

I will have to put some seed in my feeders so I can get a good count in my yard this year. I will also give my scope another go in the field. I am looking forward to using the scope for this event. I will be using it at River Legacy. I am thinking about after the event I will go down around the river and see if there is anything hiding. I will also swing by the Village Creek Drying Beds just to see if anything is out there too. I have been a little rusty with some things. For one my computer was on the fritz, so we had to get a new one. It is working like a charm and is very nice. I am practicing editing my images to compensate for the resolution. I never really had that as an issue but since this a different computer all-together well tweaks have to be made to the way I edit my images.

I am glad I will have a break from classes and the house for a bit. I have been doing well but I need a bit of brain break. I am trying to not have a nervous breakdown. With this being my last semester at Tarrant County College I am needing to make sure I do not falter in my grades. I have been doing good so far. I have been partaking in some of the cultural stuff for Black History Month at my campus and have been participating in some of the other events. I am doing what I can to mix classes with some fun but not trying to overindulge. I am starting to come to the busy season and will be doing a lot more with volunteering starting tomorrow onward until the winter. It seems to be the cycle. This is the start of my busy season for sure.

Looking forward to some good birding. I have been doing a bit off and on. I did a lot of it when I was at the coast over the course of the Winter Break. That was a rather fun trip. Got to go to some new places that I have never been to. I did manage to get some different birds. So, I have not been too rusty with spotting birds. I did break my good pair of glasses by accident so now I am running on spares until my new frames come in. That will hinder me a bit I am beating myself up about it. I am glad I got some new frames but with all the Covid-19 stuff going on still; there is a bit of a hick-up with factory work for my frames. Still, I will manage. It is not the first-time stuff like this has happened and it won't be the last. I have all my gear packed and all set. I will have to figure out how to carry all my stuff. I keep joking and keep saying I need a pack donkey to pull around with all my things. Don't know why that is the joke but it is just something that I keep throwing out there since I have so much to carry now besides just the backpack, binoculars and the camera bag.

I do have to move some things around tonight. I will have my fanny pack that will have my personal count list. I have some note pads that I got from multiple people that will come in handy. I will keep a park list too. I will be in charge of our white-board and will be keeping the tally like usual with some help of course. Anyone can put things on the board, but I am the one who kind of helps keep things in order. This will be a fun event. They have switched it up a bit and we will be doing more of the citizen science part and less of the hikes and things which is quite interesting. This shall be fun; it always is. Anytime you get to work with wildlife it is a fun time. Work is fun when you are working with wildlife.

Publicado el febrero 19, 2022 12:14 MAÑANA por galactic_bug_man galactic_bug_man


GBBC, let's get out there! On your marks, get set, go...!!!!!

Publicado por williamwisephoto hace más de 2 años

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