Kestrel's everyday lives #11

📌 Sweetie, is something wrong?

🗨️ Remember the photo from yesterday where the male kestrel gave a rodent to the female? I observed an interesting behavior - the male handed over the rodent, the female took it with joyful cries, flew away... and came back with the same rodent just a few seconds later!

Of course, my human brain immediately imagined the male's puzzled expression 😁 But that's anthropomorphism. What the female was doing behind the male's back, I couldn't figure out. Whether she was eating or hiding it again, I don't know. Where she flew during those seconds, I also didn't see, as my eyes were limited by the camera's viewfinder while photographing 🫠

Publicado el junio 5, 2024 09:20 TARDE por ikovalev ikovalev


Fotos / Sonidos


Cernicalo Común (Falco tinnunculus)




Junio 4, 2024 a las 03:33 TARDE +03


📌 Sweetie, is something wrong?

🗨️ Remember the photo - - where the male kestrel gave a rodent to the female? I observed an interesting behavior - the male handed over the rodent, the female took it with joyful cries, flew away... and came back with the same rodent just a few seconds later!

Of course, my human brain immediately imagined the male's puzzled expression 😁 But that's anthropomorphism. What the female was doing behind the male's back, I couldn't figure out. Whether she was eating or hiding it again, I don't know. Where she flew during those seconds, I also didn't see, as my eyes were limited by the camera's viewfinder while photographing 🫠


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