Road trip from Miami, FL to Baltimore, MD

Drove to up to Baltimore across two days with my wife and her brother. I'm planning on typing up some notes about our stops here but I do tend to start journal posts and then never get around to actually writing them out. We'll see!

Here are my observations so far from this trip:

Publicado el mayo 29, 2023 02:04 TARDE por joemdo joemdo


How long are you in Baltimore? You can pick up rare serpentine plants at Soldiers Delight NEA just to the west.
Also, this site is great for ID's in MD:

Publicado por tedweber1 hace más de 1 año

Hi @tedweber1 I will definitely check that area out! I will be there all summer (till around August 9th) but am back in Miami for now. I was helping my wife get settled for work up there and will be flying back the day after school lets out for Miami-Dade County Public Schools on June 7th. Thanks for the link, I will bookmark it and will use it soon once I start posting my observations from Maryland that I snagged this past weekend (and obviously once I am back up there, too!)

Publicado por joemdo hace más de 1 año

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