2nd Annual Lake Arlington Garden Biosurvey – Oct. 15th

Arlington Water Utilities and Tarrant Regional Water District have partnered to create a native plant demonstration garden with 2,000 sq. ft. of flowering native perennials and grasses on city-owned land adjacent to the Lake Arlington Dam. We will be seeding a native wildflower meadow in the surrounding 3 acres in November. In an effort to understand the impacts of these projects on local wildlife, we would love your help documenting existing biodiversity on the site.*

We are hosting our 2nd annual biosurvey on Saturday, Oct. 15th from 8am to 10pm. Please sign up at this link to help! Once you register, we will send you directions to the site, instructions for entering the gate and signing in, and a map of the area to explore.

*The project site is surrounded by low-lying fields with wetland vegetation and bordered by native trees and lake shore. On the 3 acres around the demonstration garden, there is a field of low-growing forbs and grasses which are being treated to remove invasive grasses. The site is owned by Arlington Water Utilities and only accessible with permission via a gated entrance.

Here is the project from the 1st annual biosurvey so you can see what we found last year:

Publicado el septiembre 17, 2022 03:04 TARDE por kimberlietx kimberlietx


Perfecto! I will be looking forward to this. I am sure hoping I can catch a small break from UTA. Classes are great but I would like to have some time to be out in the field again doing another BioBlitz. I have a few new things that can help our search even more. Might take some water samples and do some microscopy like I did during Dinosaur Valley State Park. I also have some new herping great. I am also hoping my Rebel T6 comes back from the shop for I have a new lens I am dying to test out. It is a manual one but it will be great for birding. I will have to make sure I pack things accordingly. I am hoping to double my finds and make even more observations. I am going to do what I have been and hoping to go heavy on species this go around. Note: need to do more sweep netting. I sure hope it is not too cold/ windy like the last time. It was great but there was a lot of wind and then chill. Love a good BioBlitz.

Publicado por galactic_bug_man hace alrededor de 2 años

OMG I am so sad. Going to miss this for the second time 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I have a CTMN field trip, and then a wedding :(

Publicado por madisong hace alrededor de 2 años

I'll add it to the calendar. =)

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace alrededor de 2 años

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