Archivos de diario de agosto 2017

05 de agosto de 2017

Bird Dropping Moths

The variety of moths that look like "bird droppings" (and often are named as such) can be confusing to differentiate because they are in various genera, and sometimes different families. I thought a side-by-side comparison would help to distinguish the subtle differences, so I created a link to help me do that.,228632,179340,204088,52094,213740,208064,425058&view=species

Note that this is for the DFW area only. You can change the area to Texas but it will not include species outside of DFW. I'll try to get a new link to cover all of Texas when I can look more at the different species.

I'd appreciate help to identify any I might have missed. Comment below and I'll update the link.

Publicado el agosto 5, 2017 11:43 TARDE por kimberlietx kimberlietx | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de agosto de 2017

How does life respond to the dramatic event of a total solar eclipse?

I'm hearing stories about how the eclipse will cause animals to have unusual behaviors. I think it might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I'm curious, too. I don't think my dog is going to freak out and suddenly start speaking English, but I'm sure organisms that are sensitive to light (and subtle temp) changes will have a reaction. Someone suggested the birds will sing evening calls. I'm not a birder, so I wouldn't recognize a morning call from an evening call. I'm not really sure what to expect from the species around me, so I thought I'd look into it. Turns out, I'm in good company! There is an iNat project for this exact thing!! It's called Life Responds: Total Solar Eclipse 2017, found here:

Here's a blurb from the project info:

How does life respond to the dramatic event of a total solar eclipse?

There is some evidence that plant and animal life react to the environmental changes that occur during a total solar eclipse. As the sky darkens and the temperature drops, birds reportedly stop singing, spiders may tear down their webs, and gray squirrels retreat to their dens, among other observed behaviors. Much of these reports, however, are anecdotal or documented with captive animals.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will cross the continental United States, from coast to coast. The Academy invites citizen scientists like you to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to record eclipse-related animal behavior.

There are detailed instructions on the project page if you are interested. Despite being in an area with only 75% totality, I'll be observing my yard. I have Ruellia simplex (Mexican Petunias) in my yard, which has flowers that last only one day. I expect they will fall off during the eclipse, but I'm more curious to see if new ones open in the afternoon. Maybe my Portulaca pilosa will also rebloom. I wonder if the moths and other night creatures will respond to a UV light? Hmmm... .maybe I'll put one out. Either way, I expect to experience the eclipse, not just watch it on TV. (I won't be using glasses to look at the eclipse -- I had severe loss of vision for 30 years and paid thousands of dollars for Lasik, so the risk is not even a question.)

Will any of you be watching for nature to react during the eclipse?

Publicado el agosto 20, 2017 09:40 TARDE por kimberlietx kimberlietx | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

28 de agosto de 2017

Happy 2nd iNat-iversary to me!

Today marks the end of the 2nd year of my daily addiction to iNaturalist. Last year I posted a Journal Entry ( and I just might do so every year to see how things have changed.

1st year:
1368 observations of 1293 different species and contributed 899 identifications.
2nd year:
2936 observations of 2802 different species and contributed 2116 identifications.

I have continued my pet project surveying the Lakewood Estates Open Space, although significantly less since we moved 45 minutes away last fall. This time last year I had posted 498 observations of 314 species, and this year I'm up to 750 observations of 426 species.

I've also started a new location closer to my home. I've nicknamed it the Clocktower Field for the large clocktower standing at the entrance. Since March I've posted 280 observations of 198 species.

That's enough of the statistics, but it's safe to say I love having my own locations to explore and document.

What has changed significantly for me this year has been the number of iNatters I've met in person. @sambiology, @suz, and @brentano have been around since the beginning, but I've gotten to know so many more of you this past year! @annikaml, @bob777, @briang, @tfandre, @tadamcochran, @greglasley, @gcwarbler, @rehb (and Shannon), @galactic_bug_man, @dfwuw, @amzapp, and @nanofishology, to name just a few that have accepted me into their #tribe. (I'm giving a little stink eye to @pfau_tarleton for being so elusive, and hoping that one day I can meet @aguilita and @mokennon, too!) But I thank you ALL for being friends and nature cohorts. BioBlitzes, the City Nature Challenge, and mothing events have been incredibly rewarding to me!

I start my 3rd year off by finishing the Master Naturalist program with the Cross Timbers Chapter, which I expect will open up even more adventures!

Thank you iNat @kueda @loarie @tiwane for helping me to find my passion and share it with others!

Publicado el agosto 28, 2017 04:16 TARDE por kimberlietx kimberlietx | 11 comentarios | Deja un comentario