City Nature Challenge 2018 - Power Users Tips and Tricks
CALLING ALL POWER USERS, and anyone else with major BioBlitzing experience!
I'm sure many of us that participated in the CNC last year experienced the excitement of the first day of the challenge, the absolute physical exhaustion on the last day, and finally the mental exhaustion of uploading and ID'ing everything in a mad rush before the cutoff. With only a few weeks to go, we've got time to get our game plans mapped out and fine tune our plans of action!
I don't think any "rules" have been published for this year's competition yet, but there are still 3 ways to win: most observations, most species, most users. I thought it would be great to collect tips and tricks that you used last year to help maximize our impact for this year. (This post is not limited to DFW users! It's meant to help us all improve our challenge techniques by learning from one another.)
So toss out some ideas on things you consider helpful advice to make it through the nature marathon! I'll get us started with the first comment!
(I'm going to tag some folks, but feel free to tag others! If you do not want notifications on this post, you can "Unsubscribe from this post" by clicking on the tool wheel on the notification.)
@sambiology @wildcarrot @tfandre @denver @drtifflipsett @tadamcochran @charley @brentano @taogirl @cgritz @naturenut @suz @andyk @mchlfx @zooga1961 @dfwuw @itmndeborah @butterflies4fun @aguilita @kalamurphyking @rehb @squaylei2000 @mustardlypig @picklepastures @daniel112 @galactic_bug_man @lulubelle @postoak @katelyn3 @gcwarbler @hydaticus @beschwar @amzapp @dpom @dlbowls @hfabian @kestrel @sea-kangaroo @damontighe @greglasley