66 degrees, 88% humidity, wind 4mp SW, cloudless day. No precipitation since Sunday.
Three Boletes and three species of Amanita up since Sunday.
Bird species calling: Belted Kingfisher, Northern Cardinal, Tufted Titmouse, Pine warbler, Blue Jay, duck species.
Acorns hitting the pavilion roof.
Crape myrtles have about 50% of their blossoms left. Some brown leaves on the ground (10%), Sweetgum/Oak.
Cicada shells on trees and a wing in the grass.
Squirrels have been busy feeding on pinecones.
Solitary between American sweetgum and white oak in grass. This doom has been nibbled by creatures.
On fallen branch under pines but deciduous branch.
Growing under water oak tree on the east side. Mimosa, Virginia creeper, cross vine, trumpet creeper also present. Solitary.
Growing amongst basketgrasses, 18 inches away from two Bolete species, northwest of water oaks. Cap surface tacky, Stipe dry, no annulus. Smell earthy.
Two species appearing caespitose growing 18 inches away from another Bolete. Very similar, but spore surface is dark brown on the other species, this one may be younger and displaying different characteristics or different species. Cap is slightly tacky, stem dry, no annulus, smell slightly sweet.
Growing on fallen log. More slime mold on the stump.
Growing on stump next to fallen log with more slime mold. A big slug is coming to check it out.
Six Puffballs growing in a rough ring under Eastern Redcedar. Sticks pointing at species.
Aged and moldy cap and stalk mushroom. Was growing under Sweetgum.
Growing 18 inches from another amanita. This species looks old and wrinkled around the margin, no warts on cap, no anulus or volva. Stipe is velvety, cap is dry. Growing in the grass.
18 inches away from another amanita. This species cap is slightly viscid, the stipe surface is powdery and comes away when you touch it. Patch of fuzzy white mold growing on the SW side of cap. Redcedar 12 ft SW.
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