Winter Returns Again to Central Texas

This is Texas, so our weather is anything but predictable, but after some spring like days with temperatures reaching the 80's, we're having some freezing mornings for the next couple of days, so it's a busy morning for the birds at our feeders and water tub. The temperature has hovered around 30 degrees, but I'm warm inside my kitchen watching all the visitors. There's a flock of American Robins competing with Cedar Waxwings, Pine Siskins, and Chipping Sparrows for perches around the tub. A Pine Warbler has been visiting the meal worm feeder , and the Pine Siskins, Chipping Sparrows, and even a Red Bellied Woodpecker have been feasting on millet.

Publicado el marzo 4, 2019 04:57 TARDE por loblolly loblolly


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