14 de julio de 2022

Dinosaur Valley State Park 24-Hr BioBlitz!!

SIGN-UP: https://forms.gle/FMwsEqKw6vkPKiH69


August 20, 2022 5pm - August 21, 2022 5pm
Dinosaur Valley State Park has recently acquired property that will soon be evaluated by state specialists for cultural and natural resources.

Come join this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become part of park history that goes back 113 million years. Let's celebrate our 50th Anniversary with a BioBlitz!

We would love subject matter experts to lead the smaller blitzes throughout the day!

Events will include:

  • Small mammal trapping and game camera set-up (I will be in charge of this but you can come along and help!)
  • Bat Detector - Echometer Touch 2
  • Mothing
  • Fishing
  • Birding
  • Insect and Arachnid Catching
  • Plants

Have an idea? Want to be a subject matter expert? Please contact me!


Join our iNat Project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/dinosaur-valley-state-park-bioblitz-2022

SIGN-UP: https://forms.gle/FMwsEqKw6vkPKiH69

Publicado el julio 14, 2022 08:49 TARDE por madisong madisong | 20 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de mayo de 2021

CNC Rant

I set up a game camera to take pictures throughout the weekend of my bird feeder, and it did not take a single photo. And I was really really relying on those photos to get most of my bird species for the CNC. That is all. I'm so mad right now -__________________---'''

Publicado el mayo 4, 2021 01:43 MAÑANA por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de marzo de 2021

The Push to 6k Observations

As of this post, I am currently sitting at 5,800 observations even. I would really like to make it to 6,000 observations by the end of March. I'll admit, 2020 and 2021 so far have been terrible for my iNaturalist observations. Between a pandemic, having to pay for grad school on my own, AND being in grad school, time management is very very tight and I don't really have time to go out and walk about. I try my best to make observations while walking to class, but I'm usually in a hurry. Here's one of my recent favorites https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/69363969 . We'll see how this goes. I meant to bring my binoculars to Stephenville this week but I forgot...

Publicado el marzo 18, 2021 01:59 TARDE por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de mayo de 2019

Rush Creek Linear Park (Trip)

Publicado el mayo 7, 2019 10:29 TARDE por madisong madisong | 38 observaciones | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

26 de abril de 2019

City Nature Challenge Observations

I will add my observations later in the day! Hopefully I beat last year's record.

edit: Already beat my personal record by far, but for those wondering how I have so many observations: I have to leave Sunday so I am trying to make up for missing almost a full day and a half

Publicado el abril 26, 2019 11:26 TARDE por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

03 de abril de 2019

Tarleton State University Hunewell Ranch BioBlitz 2019!

Tarleton State University WSES Department is BACK with this year's newest BioBlitz. Last year they canceled due to bad weather, and although it might rain Saturday, we are going to be out in the field doing this, rain or shine.


"The Tarleton WSES Department BioBlitz will be an intensive period of biological surveying in an effort to record all the living species within Hunewell Ranch. Groups of experts, students, faculty, and volunteers will conduct an intensive field study over a 12-hour period. We would like to invite all interested Tarleton students, faculty, and community members to participate! All participants should download the iNaturalist phone app before the event. Register to attend or volunteer at the event at www.tarleton.edu/ecosciences."

SIGN-UP: https://tarleton.wufoo.com/forms/w3anetv1j0vr4j/
VOLUNTEER: Link should be at the end of the sign-up


7-8:45 AM Avian Survey
9-11 AM 1st iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
9-11 AM Reptiles and Mammals
11-12 PM Plant Walks (CLOSED)
12-12:45 PM Lunch ($5)
12:45-2:30 PM Observatory Tour
12:45-2:30 PM 2nd iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
2:30-4 PM Fish, Aquatic Insects, Diatoms, and Algae
4-6 PM 3rd iNaturalist Mini-Blitz
6-7 PM Closing and Data Entry

Contact Info:
Dr. Hemanta Kafley

Cheyenne Holt

Publicado el abril 3, 2019 03:34 MAÑANA por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de enero de 2019

Fundraiser- Save the Bats Car Sticker/Decal

Earlier, some of you may have seen my observation- https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/18972681

Well, I'm attempting to raise funds for her and the other permanent residents of Bat World Sanctuary by selling car/laptop stickers that I've designed myself. Please, check them out here and tell your naturalist friends!


Publicado el enero 6, 2019 10:53 TARDE por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

26 de diciembre de 2018

Melanistic Deer??

I just saw a roadkill deer on the side of the road, and it was.... darker than any other deer I’ve ever seen. A very dark brown color. And of course I wasn’t able to get a picture.... are there any other deer that could be roaming around I-20 in Mississippi? It was fairly small... I wish I could have gotten a picture

Publicado el diciembre 26, 2018 06:18 TARDE por madisong madisong | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de septiembre de 2018

Wildlife Management Area- What should I bring? (Mostly me just talking to myself)

I plan on going with my Mammalogy class to a WMA in November. There's a few things I know I need to bring and some things I think I might need to buy. I'm wondering how I'll be able to get GPS coordinates on my phone if I have no service, data or otherwise? Will I just have to set the location as the WMA without specifics for my observations? They'll also be mist-netting so I'm wondering if I need to bring my rabies vaccine proof because I would like to help.

Things I have-
-Nice-ish camera (Fuji-film)
-Sleeping bag
-Epipen (fire ant allergy)
-Rubber work boots
-cargo pants (dunno where they are right now)

Things I need?-
-Snake hook
-Better hiking boots?
-Working gloves
-A copy of rabies vaccines?
-Dunk bag for any utensils

Publicado el septiembre 21, 2018 08:47 TARDE por madisong madisong | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario