To my fellow Naturalists,

Hello everybody! First I want to say thank you all for everything. Mostly identifications! lolol. I have always loved animals and the natural habitats in this world, but never dove into it like I have lately. We can thank some very special people for this inspiration. As I explore areas I use a note pad to take down every detail possible, then I use my notations to research online. I aim to pinpoint my observations to something as specific as possible. Thats where this community has come in with the assists. I see alot of professionals here, many hobbists, and no matter - yall contributions are sincerely cherished on my end. Cheers to the next generation of us! Many thanks to everyone out there doing their part. Peace, love, and nature!

Alex Ruffing

Publicado el julio 11, 2018 01:08 MAÑANA por needsbettercamera needsbettercamera


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