Archivos de diario de marzo 2021

14 de marzo de 2021

Last call for Anemone wildflowers!

Mid March is peak Anemone season, which will be winding down over the coming weeks.

This year, I was able to document an unusual morphological variant of Anemone at a new location in Baylor County. Here are observations of what I'm calling the "rolling plains morph" (because I've only seen it on the rolling plains) or "Anemone pilosus" (because it's so hairy both above and below the scape):

Other good news, Anemone edwardsiana has been documented from several new locations this season.

On a downside, no new observations of Anemone okennonii have been posted yet this season:

Here's the link to my previous post about observing Anemones and how folks can contribute to this scientifically under-appreciated group of wildflowers:

Publicado el marzo 14, 2021 08:43 TARDE por pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de marzo de 2021

Anemone bioblitz at Lake Alan Henry

I'm planning on being at Lake Alan Henry north of Post, TX this coming Saturday. I'll spend the night and leave Sunday. Being so early in the season, there won't be a lot of diversity, but my goal is to search for Anemones which only bloom in March/early April. But I'll be scoping the place out for a possible future bioblitz.

Anyone wishing to join me in the search for Anemones is welcome to come. Post here and/or send me a private message with a description of your vehicle (required by the on-site biologist so that she knows who's out there).

I have access to the restricted wildlife area north of the dam (permit required), and there is a camping area on the lake not far from there. Maps:

Observations made Saturday:

Publicado el marzo 16, 2021 04:36 TARDE por pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 10 comentarios | Deja un comentario