Here are observations from this weekend:
--observation mode: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?d1=2021-06-11&d2=2021-06-13&place_id=118103
--identify mode: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=needs_id%2Cresearch&place_id=118103&d1=2021-06-11&d2=2021-06-13
Spring 2019 bioblitz for comparison:
Notable observations (rarely seen species)
Typhoctes peculiaris
Round sand beetle
Helops farctus
Dasymutilla serenitas
Laccophilus quadrilineatus
Taedia virgulata
Please join us for a June Bioblitz at Timberlake Field Station--June 11-13 (two nights). Attendees may begin arriving 2 pm Friday and we'll depart Sunday afternoon. The bunkhouse (with electricity and restrooms) is available and has 6 twin beds (respond to reserve a bed--first come first served). I think it would be wisest to have only folks that are vaccinated in the bunkhouse. There's lots of room to pitch a tent near the restroom and shower facility.
Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Biological Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has over 2 miles of Colorado river frontage and includes bottomland and upland habitats.
Here's the link to detailed info about Timberlake and the bioblitz (including directions): https://docs.google.com/document/d/19D_D0b94QvtB72GR8e5cSH8XHXFSe9DS69zffjRrbtw/edit?usp=sharing
All COVID restrictions have been lifted at Tarleton, so there are no restrictions for this event.
Probable attendees:
@mikef451 (Master Naturalist, Goodwater Chapter; insect generalist; mammal enthusiast)
@lovebirder (North Central Texas Master Birder)
@sambiology (TPWD Urban Wildlife Biologist)
@amzapp (Master Naturalist, South Plains Chapter)
@annikaml (birder/mother; compulsive photographer of everything)
@jcochran706 (Master Naturalist, Goodwater Chapter)
@bacchusrock (eager plant novice)
@connlindajo (Master Naturalist, El Camino Real Chapter)
@k_mccormack (Master Naturalist, Capital Area Chapter)
@clairesorenson (member of Native Plant Society of Texas and Texas Audubon, and docent at Ladybird Wildflower Center)
@kimberlietx (Master Naturalist, Cross Timbers Chapter; gall enthusiast, Triodanis researcher).
@jwn (primarily interested in odonates and birds)
@k8thegr8 (caterpillar expert)
@brentano (Master Naturalist)
@elytrid (Bachelor's in Entomology; loves bugs and nature in general)
@rymcdaniel (interested mostly in plants)
@butterflies4fun (Master Naturalist, Blackland Prairie Chapter; insects, primarily butterflies)
@birdsandbugs27 (Master Naturalist; medical entomology graduate student)