Our latest Paper on Automeris louisiana has been published!

We are pleased to announce that our latest paper has been published in the Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. It is entitled Automeris louisiana (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) populations in the chenier plain habitat of coastal Texas, with new distributional and larval host plant records

Robert J. Nuelle, Jr. Aicezs, Kelsey Kralman, Robert J. Nuelle, III and Matthew Whitbeck

Evidence for a viable Texas population of Automeris louisiana, using historical collection records, and biogeographical analysis are presented. Results include new distributional records for the species and the first analysis to show it possibly endemic to Texas coast chenier plain marshes. A new larval hostplant Bolboschoenus robustus is identified in this study.

Here is a link to download the paper:

Robert J. Nuelle, Jr.

Publicado el abril 14, 2018 01:10 TARDE por rjnjr rjnjr


Great job! :)

Thanks for spending time on iNat as well!

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 6 años

Spent the weekend with Ben Hutchins and Tony Henehan a few weeks ago - they spoke so highly of you! We were sampling in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Interesting place.

Publicado por rjnjr hace más de 6 años

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