Cypripedium passerinum

Cypripedium passerinum is known either as Sparrow’s-egg Lady’s Slipper or as Franklin’s Lady’s Slipper. This species is not found south of Canadian border except in Montana. The flowers seem small for the plant in this species, the plants up to 50 cm (nearly 2 feet) tall and the single flowers only a few centimeters in size. The flowers do not open widely with the dorsal sepal often nearly hiding the opening of the lip. The very large staminode nearly fills the opening of the lip. The lip is usually white, rarely off-white and is dotted on the inside with purple. When we have found this it is always growing in damp areas in open woodlands, often with Cypripedium parviflorum.

Publicado el marzo 6, 2024 03:48 TARDE por ronaldhanko ronaldhanko


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Junio 2015




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