Day 3 and we're doing great!

Just a shout out to everyone busily scouring Surrey for observations this weekend! The weather has been perfect (hot yesterday, cool today) which brings out more variety of wildlife.

I see we've got many folks with 30+ observations, and still going. Whether it's 1 or 101, every contribution counts.

For our City account, we will have blitzed 14 parks by end of the CNC tomorrow, equating to several hundred observations and audio recordings to add. Seems that most of the insects (especially the butterflies, bees, and flies) out now are in hyper mode and too fast to get a good ID for. So, except for the ones that stayed still long enough for a pic, many will be casual. Note to self - time to get a good sweep net.

We'll be close to, or surpass our numbers from last year, and right now we're ahead of Delta, Coquitlam and Richmond. But we won't know actual numbers until the dust settles May 8th.

Enjoy the last day of the CNC tomorrow and thank you for your incredible effort!

Publicado el abril 30, 2023 11:41 TARDE por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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