Buffalo Thorn (Ziziphus mucronata)

Armed or unarmed, small to medium deciduous tree.
Crown rounded and rather untidy. Multi stemmed or single trunk.
Leaves alternate, simple, conspicuously 3 veined from base, glossy dark green leaves, lower surface hairless to sparsely hairy or with coarse brownish hairs at least when young.
Stipules sometimes spinescent, in pairs at nodes. One hooked and the other straight.
Flowers in axillary clusters, small, yellowish green.
Fruit shiny reddish to yellow brown.
Leaf margins are serrated.

Publicado el octubre 25, 2024 09:23 MAÑANA por terry_rheeder terry_rheeder


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Octubre 21, 2024 a las 04:50 TARDE SAST


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