Atala Day 14

The Atala caterpillars completely shredded the new potted plant (with ~4 fronds, it was small). We've had a couple more pesky wasps around - I moved the Atalas to the habitat so that they don't get stung and killed out in the yard.

I'm using the tubes and holder that we use to rear Monarchs, and cutting fronds from our much larger outdoor plants. As of last night the Atalas are completely taking the leaves and stem down to nothing; two full fronds a day. I'm keeping the habitat stocked 3x a day now just to feed their insatiable little appetites.

It can't be much longer until they pupate, right? :)

Publicado el septiembre 8, 2023 12:35 TARDE por vladimirr99 vladimirr99


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Day 12. They completely defoliated the potted Coontie, and to avoid moving them back outdoors where they would be at higher risk, I'm clipping fronds and raising them in the habitat.

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Atala day 13. There are 13 caterpillars, in all. Yesterday they chowed down one and a half out of the three Coontie fronds.

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Atala day 14. Overnight they completely stripped down almost all of the leaves. I'm going to have to restock twice a day from here on out. I read somewhere online that they pupate at about 18 days, so these guys have to be getting close.


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