Undescribed species of Xylomya (Northeastern)

This species is diagnosed by the two longitudinal yellow stripes on the scutum, disconnected sutural and humeral spots on the scutum, and a black abdomen with narrow, uniform yellow apical bands with large yellow spots on the side of the first segment.


Publicado el agosto 29, 2022 07:35 TARDE por zdanko zdanko


Publicado por zdanko hace casi 2 años

great that you found all of them! very helpful!

Publicado por phycus hace casi 2 años

I'm glad!

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 2 años

These will get stuck at couplet 4 of the key due to the scutum being darker than in normal terminalis: https://sites.google.com/view/flyguide/species-guides/xylomyidae/key-to-xylomya?authuser=0

Publicado por edanko hace casi 2 años

What do we think about this as a possible intermediate between normal americana and the above form? https://bugguide.net/node/view/527477/bgimage

Publicado por edanko hace casi 2 años

I'm more inclined to call that americana due to more red on the abdomen and black restricted to the second tergite. Also the red on the mid tibia; the undesc. sp. has entirely yellow mid tibia, it seems.

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 2 años

Does the "undescribed species" key to X. americana in Webb 1984 based on the 8th flagellomere?

Publicado por edanko hace casi 2 años

If I recall correctly from looking at those specimens, there was macrosetae, and I think it was white, strangely... might be remembering wrong. I'll check again this Sunday.

The note from Woodley on the pin did mention something about the 8th flagellomere.

Publicado por zdanko hace casi 2 años

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