Nicholas J. Tucci

Unido: 30.abr.2013 Última actividad: 02.jun.2024

W.J. Holland once wrote that "The woodland is haunt with many a joyous thing". I was ten years old the first time I read those words, a phrase which epitomizes my personal philosophy in life. My interest as a naturalist was first cultivated by my mother, at an age too young to remember. She put a net in my hand, and the rest is history. I was four years old the first time I saw a Cecropia Moth, too large to fit in my bug catcher. I have been collecting butterflies and moths ever since. Naturalist (E.O. Wilson) was published when I was 16 years old. I couldn't put that book down. Ironically enough, I met E.O. Wilson when I was 32. I thanked him for helping me discover who I wanted to be.

Today, I am a scientist. I have an undergraduate degree in biology and a Master of Science degree in Geochemistry. I work for the State of Montana on reclamation of polluted mine sites. At heart, I am a naturalist.

"To put the matter as simply as possible, having entered my bug period as a child, was blessed by never being required to abandon it" (E.O. Wilson). I find no greater personal satisfaction in life than collecting a new species of butterfly, setting up a moth light, viewing a new species of bird through binoculars, or keying out a new plant. The woodland is truly haunt with many a joyous thing.

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