Please Help with Identifications

Identifications of BioGaps observations is proving very slow. This is probably because the project ran over a dry and many observations are of heavily browsed flowerless observations.
Please can you help with identifications: priority groups and links to them are listed at the bottom of this posting as comments.

Overall summary of data for Biogaps Bioblitz Surveys:
Taxon spp-level IDs Total observations % IDs to spp Species so far:
Total 2864 9211 31% 748
Plants 2509 7360 34% 582
Plants excl Fungi 2509 6874 36% 582

Summary of Biogaps Bioblitz Survey data by family
Taxon spp-level IDs Total observations % IDs to spp Species so far: Sum proportion Proportion
ID Above Family 0 400 0 (5.8%)
Asteraceae 465 1556 30% 96 22.6% 22.6%
Poaceae 186 775 24% 44 33.9% 11.3%
Aizoaceae 218 630 35% 55 43.1% 9.2%
Asparagaceae 84 441 19% 28 49.5% 6.4%
Scrophulariaceae 121 398 30% 25 55.3% 5.8%
Solanaceae 43 304 14% 9 59.7% 4.4%
Fabaceae 73 255 29% 16 63.4% 3.7%
Malvaceae 67 219 31% 18 66.6% 3.2%
Anacardiaceae 65 119 55% 10 68.3% 1.7%
Iridaceae 58 98 59% 9 69.8% 1.4%
Apocyanaceae 65 103 63% 12 71.3% 1.5%
Crassulaceae 42 96 44% 16 72.7% 1.4%
Euphorbiaceae 41 69 59% 12 73.7% 1.0%
Asphodelaceae 40 97 41% 17 75.1% 1.4%
Amaranthaceae 32 99 32% 10 76.5% 1.4%
Ebenaceae 41 97 42% 8 77.9% 1.4%
Oxalidaceae 107 159 67% 10 80.2% 2.3%
Zygophyllaceae 33 74 45% 5 81.3% 1.1%
Publicado el octubre 4, 2018 07:36 MAÑANA por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Urgent Request for help please:

We urgently need help please with identifications for the BioGaps Fracking Environmental Assessment. This will help inform where fracking for oil/gas will be allowed and where not in the Greater Karoo (of course, it wont happen anyway where it is not economical (unless subsidized)).

These are only the urgent observations needed for analyses of the Karoo Biogaps data for determining fracking. The material is far from perfect: heavy grazing and drought meant that most of the time we were looking at dead stems. Any help will be appreciated.

Unfortunately the Identification Tool does not filter by observations fields (?please check @loarie) so that it does not curate your identifications, allowing you to see what you have not yet done. (you can add "&reviewed=false" to the url, but first please double check what you have already done, to see if you can take it to a finer ID)
We do require species/subspecies IDs if at all possible, or at least a genus please.

The easiest way to to quickly open two rows of observations at a time by using your Mouse-Wheel-Click which will open the observations in new tabs which you can then inspect.
You can use the Identify tool for the entire Biogaps region (rather than just the Karoo bioblitz data), but there are significant more observations to check, which are not so very urgent.

@kenneth_oberlander - Family - Oxalis

@robertarcher397 - Group - trees please
@sedgesrock - Family - Sedges
@prix_burgoyne - Family - Aizoaceae
@naked_dave - Family - Hermannia
@damionjp - Family - Geraniaceae
@dirk_bellstedt - Family - Zygophyllaceae
@charlie_stirton @mr_fab - Family - Fabaceae

Is there anyone else who could help? The tricky groups are:
Asteraceae (1556 observations)
Poaceae (775 observations)
Aizoaceae (630 - need help for Prix)
Asparagaceae (441 - this should be quite easy!)
Scrophulariaceae (398 observations)
Solanaceae (304)

We will be soliciting help in these groups from SANBI taxonomists in Pretoria and Compton, but they are still snowed under from the field season, and our deadlines are fast approaching. if you can help in these groups it will be really appreciated.

For the larger groups you can go to the filter and add the filter:
which will show you observations not yet identified to genus.

When all the observations are assigned to genera, you may prefer to tackle them one genus at a time: just fill in the box for the taxon (and remove the lowest-rank filter).

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 6 años

Are you counting observations not at research grade?

A lot of the Oxalis obs have been ID'ed, but with only a single ID, so not at research grade yet - do these count?

Publicado por kenneth_oberlander hace casi 6 años

@kenneth_oberlander - many thanks - I will process them tonite and flag you on any problems! Much appreciated.

These ones need attention:

19:00: revised Stats Oxalidaceae

Id to family: 8 (OK I cheated:
ID to genus: 73
ID to species 197 - - - Now at 71%

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 6 años

Update: 22 Oct.

Both Miranda (242 Ids) and Paul (pherman 63 Ids) have been busy (see
Need lots more Ids to species level – but that might just be that there are not enough flowering material to do so.
Nick Helme (228 Ids) has also helped a lot.
It is going slowly though. For instance, Miranda has identified less than 10% of the observations.
265 still at Family rank (10%)
1341 at genus rank (50%)
1100 at species rank: (40.6%)

The Poaceae are not moving yet. Will tackle this on Thursday and Friday this week.
1120 – 645 at family level (58%)
Is there anyone else we can ask to help?

Aizoaceae: Prix has done 738 of the 1130 observations (65%) – some 535 are to species (47%)
Crassulaceae: Prix has done 348 of the 152 observations (44%) – some 261 are to species (75%)
Iridaceae – 73% to species (Alan Horstmann and Fiona Archer) Will organize another session with John.

The other groups are still languishing.
Searsia – only 50% to species.
Ebenaceae – only 44% to species.
Solanaceae – no one doing Lycium very important <21% to species.
Asparagus - < 21% to species.

Hermannia - really languishing.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 6 años

Many thanks for your work on the Biogaps identifications. The work is progressing nice , if a tad slow for meeting our deadlines, which are fast approaching.

Please remember that your group can be accessed by using the Identification tool at:
Insert your family (or if you want to concentrate on a genus, then the genus name) in the “Species” box and click to select the name.
Then start the tool by clicking on the first picture (not the name: that opens the taxon page).

In summary your options are:
• “Agree” – if the ID is correct
• “Add an ID” if the current identification is wrong or inadequate – remember to click on the match and then save the ID.
If you want to post a tribe or genus, then just use that name (no “sp” or other annotations).
If it is one of two or three species, then merely add a comment.
• “Comment” is you want to point out an issue or feature or something unusual.

 If you don’t want to do anything with the observation, including in the future, then click “reviewed”
 If you want the curation tool to keep the observation for your future reference, then do not do anything, just move to the next; or you can click “reviewed” off if you have added a comment or ID, but want it to stay in your pending tray.
 When finished just close: next time you come back it will be ready where you left off.

A summary of progress so far is (** = groups with significant recent progress)

Taxon spp-level IDs Total observations % IDs to spp Species so far:
ID Above Family 0 407 (12)
Asteraceae 537 ** 1749 31% 103
Poaceae 207 ** 829 25% 46
Aizoaceae 269 672 40% 65
Asparagaceae 84 471 18% 28
Scrophulariaceae 129 418 31% 26
Solanaceae 44 352 13% 9
Fabaceae 88 274 32% 18
Malvaceae 111 238 47% ** 22
Anacardiaceae 69 132 52% 11
Iridaceae 66 109 61% 10
Apocyanaceae 70 109 64% 14
Crassulaceae 72 110 65% ** 20
Euphorbiaceae 40 71 56% 12
Asphodelaceae 41 106 39% 17
Amaranthaceae 42 130 32% 12
Ebenaceae 51 124 41% 8
Oxalidaceae 114 161 71%** 10
Zygophyllaceae 34 79 43% 5

Plants total 2881 8052 36% 628
Plants above family 407

Please keep up the good work. And please use every opportunity to close the gaps.
Our most significant contributors at the species level so far are (

1 prix_burgoyne 413
2 pieterwinter 315
3 jan-hendrik 266
4 gigilaidler 260
5 tonyrebelo 193
6 alanhorstmann 182
7 robertarcher397 132
8 lukegallant 126
9 sedgesrock 124
10 kenneth_oberlander 114
11 adriaan_grobler 109
12 alexdreyer 101
13 angelanoske 99
14 randallevan 91
15 botaneek 78

Very many thanks everyone.

Publicado por tonyrebelo hace casi 6 años

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