New Paper Published

For the last year my son Robert Nuelle, III and I have been working to get our first paper published in a peer reviewed scientific journal.

To help facilitate our publishing efforts; our parent group - The East Texas Natural History Collection entered into a partnership with The Journal for Entomology and Zoology Studies.

We received notification this morning that our first paper was published!

You can read the whole paper here.

Link to the PDF:

Practical advice on the rearing of Saturniid caterpillars with notes on specimen preservation and parasitoid research

Robert J. Nuelle, Jr., Robert J. Nuelle, III

[Page no. [383-390]

Publicado el agosto 28, 2015 05:45 TARDE por rjnjr rjnjr


Congrats! I'll try the floral holder trick next time I'm feeding caterpillars.

Publicado por carrieseltzer hace alrededor de 9 años

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