Hi Everyone,
Another Gall Week is on its way! I am placing tags from past participants on this page. Feel free to tag others in the comments. Remember to join the project so you can get updates on journal posts! https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gall-week-september-2023
@a_emmerson @aandmg @actuallyaxley @adirado @adriankreft @aga_l_ @agatajarska @ahabo @akilee @alainc @alejandro_lopez_nunez @alex_sosn @alexis_orion @alexis238 @allegrar @amanithor @amanthorne @amberenergy @ana_kaahanui @andreacala @andreareid @andrefabiao @andygo1 @anetteffm @anewmark @anna_mitroshenkova @annikaml @antonjo @anudibranchmom @arc5683 @archeo_tea @arf2-d2 @aruejohns @asherhiggins91 @assumpt4 @astrobirder @atachkin @atalanta20 @attilaolah @aurocyon @austinrkelly @bagli @batmania @bawb @bayareawalker @beartracker @beesndaisies_waspsnfigs_antsnpeonies @benadroit @benvelavi @beth964 @billdodd @billmac @birderboy2015 @birdingtexan @blackwarbler @blazeclaw @bluebellprince @bogsuckers @bonelia_ophelia @botanylicious @botswanabugs @brnhn @brook @browntrekker @bryce_b @bscreativelife @bs-phd @bughunter02 @bunnuru @busyberries @calconey @cammie @captainmantis37 @cardinal831 @carlacorazza @carlosd73 @carolblaney @carol-in-maine @carrieseltzer @carrotpeople @cath_callas @cecildomyiidae @ceffx @ceiseman @celestialocean @chamelek @charcoscompanhia @chartley6 @chert_hollow @chilipossum @chloe_and_trevor @chyroptera @cjutzic @ckhunt @claben @claire146963 @claire2 @clarkia11 @claudiafb @clay_s @cliffzavala @cmjmousseau @cocokitty @codrin_bucur @colinpurrington @coltercook @conboy @corunastylis @cosmiccat @cosmopterix @cpu @craigbiegler @creaturefeature97 @ctrubo @cwbarrows @cynestor @dan_macneal @daniela_secas @darth_schrader @darv @david99 @daviddonica @dbarber @dbkent @dbmcc09 @ddennism @debkccb @dendzoscarab @djringer @dlbowls @dmitryevlevchenko @docentgal @donaldasutherland @doraobrien @dpom @drenshaw @drmichaelbraun @drosophila @duarte @dudleya10 @dugald @ebradshaw @echosmama @eddiedunbar @edwardrooks @efrenibarreta @eickwort @eiresh @ekmes @ekoberle @elaurens @elizabethbraker @emarchante @emartian @emendela @emilvus @emilyherriott @emmashelton @empressmoth @eogren @erikamitchell @esant @esgy @esummerbell @fabio1960 @faluke @federico_biguzzi @feralbeetle @flowerfifi @flowntheloop @flowntheloop @flukee @flytofreedom @fmiudo @foxandcubs @friesen5000 @froudone @gabriele_lagrasta @gajdasz @gallus3524 @garth_harwood @garyj @gdurrant @georgebondarenko @gerrit_oehm @giantcicada @gillessanmartin @gina-barton @giselle9 @giusy87 @godenard @goldenbeetle @gray-jay @graysquirrel @grazant @greenscenery @green-wood @griffith @guidingguida @gyrrlfalcon @hannahchase @happyheidi @harsiparker @hasenzahn @heather232 @hermmy @hestan @hkibak @hydrocycler @igor117 @ildikorab @inhalethewild @istjinlbc @ivanmunks @izafarr @jamie-aa @jamiegriffiths @janetwright @janmar @jansson @jasmin_reh @jeff85 @jeffdc @jen_outside @jenniferf4 @jensu @jeremybarker @jeremycahill @jerry2018 @jessiedockins @jheiser @jhinds @jmole @jmpackard @joedoyle1 @joejoebee @joelm95060 @joemdo @john_abrams @johnharshman @johnlyden @jollygoodyellow @josefloribundus @joshuacde @jrose23 @juan_sphex @juhatuomola @jurga_li @kadeemgilbert @karangattu @katane222 @kate_ar @kathyvivian @kbulver @kchmura @kdff @kemper @khashagen @kidneymoth @kimcuriel @kimcwren @kitty12 @kneubaue @knotwood @kpinso @krechmer @kristendiesburg @krz @ktay @kzoebel @l1na @lacigerhart @laikenw @lappelbaum @lasagana @laszlozoltan @latvianbird @laurasea @leahmfulton @leoldfred @leslie_flint @lfelliott @liliana_duarte @little_metal_weirdo @liubov_ilminska @llsrvd @loganinsky @lora_roams @lorri-gong @lotusmorning @luca_hickey @lucapassalacqua @luciogiuniobruto @luisa_aivano @luisfssantos @lulubelle @lynkos @lzos @ma_sche @madily @magdastlucia @major_bombylius @maremimar @marina_r_ @markuskrieger @marobertson @martaveigasantos @marykrieger @matthew_wills @matthewvosper @maximion @megachile @megnd @meh52 @merav @metsa @mfoss @michael_bierbaumer @michaelvoeltz @michaelwohlstadter @michellebonebrake @mikeakresh @milliebasden @milton_mendonca @miranda75 @mkkennedy @mmmiller @mobbini @molly2 @mollymjacobson @mona_g @moonlittrails @mothyfriend @moxiel @mst_ @musellarose @mwilliams76 @mws @myriamnguyen @nancyasquith @narpus @nastay_kutuzova @nat_rojasestevez @natael51 @naturalistspace @naturequ33r @naturequ33r @naturesarchive @ndudziak @nealkelso @neontetraploid @newtpatrol @nfurlan @noaboa @nojin_anvari @norgram @norikonbu @nosect @nschwab @nsouc @nstassinopoulos @nuujaka @nzehr @oakmeadow @obad-hai @ocean_beach_goth @oceanf @oceanicwilderness @oddbird88 @odonatachr @oiseaulune @olexandr_ghryb @oliverc29 @olrett @oonharn @opalsea @optilete @opym @orchidrose @origamiesme @origamilevi @ovanantwerpen @owlofme @ozarkpoppy @pachips @papagrande2073 @patriciafojut @patsimpson2000 @pbeja65 @pchelovek1205 @pdfuenteb @pedromonica @peggy_reine_marguerite @pete_woods @pgb @phillipsalzinger @philodendronjoe @philwahlbrink @plnauta @pmali @pmulder22 @ppiero @reiner @remisaurus @rgaston5 @rhyswhy @rickr @riparian_paparazzi @rmoger @rms_wildlife_spots @roandunes @robinellison @robinlg @robinwhistles @rockybajada @rockyferoe @rosiesmama @roslynmbell @roxannel3288 @rubyjames07 @rudolphous @rynaturalist @sabinepuchta @sallyslak @saltwellsbirder @samzanita @sanca13 @saoirse65 @sapienshane @sararuth @saskiachu @sastreo @sauciepepper @savagesange @savedbywildthings @scoutingforplants @scubabruin @sdehart9 @sdigweed @sea-kangaroo @sebastianwildauer @sebastiencarbonnelle @seraphinpoudrier @serowe_museum @sharrow-sparrow @shinybraids @showmemowildlife @silversea_starsong @silverzz @simpylmare55 @sipsey @sk53 @sk53 @skatingflamingo @srall @stacy230 @ste85 @steffie22 @stella20009 @stellifera @stelute @stephanie2555 @steve_mcwilliam @stevejones @stevenarntson @suburbanpoison @sunguramy @supertiger @susan_marley @susanhewitt @susanmf @susanne-kasimir @svatka @sweiser @szuwarek @tammy524 @taralee @tealderrer @tedweber1 @teellbee @tennesseehills @tepary @terit @thebeachcomber @thephoxinus @thrasherbird @tinawolf @tiwane @tkoffel @tmurray74 @tniernberger @tparkeressig @truthseqr @tvl @u_phantasticus @udelalli @uroboros @utchee @valentinabuono @valerieniles @vermfly @victor0001 @viktorija26 @vladimirpenzyak @w4v @weintraub3 @wendyjegla @wetlandfan @whateverwatcher @willkuhn @wooac @woodwitch @wsweet321 @wundati @wyethialover @xiaodoudou @xris @yanez2001 @yehuda7 @yetikat @zakronia @zdanko @zekemarshall @zygisva
@w4v @weintraub3 @wendyjegla @wetlandfan @whateverwatcher @willkuhn @wooac @woodwitch @wsweet321 @wundati @wyethialover @xiaodoudou @xris @yanez2001 @yehuda7 @yetikat @zakronia @zdanko @zekemarshall @zygisva
@tonyrebelo @brnhn
@woodhaunt, interested to contribute ?
@awenninger @danabrennan @muir
Why is this still running as a traditional project? Just seems like extra work - of which I try to do as little as possible. :)
@reiner, the galling organisms can be anything from a fungus to a mite to flies or wasps, etc. Pretty much the only way to set up a collection project is to have a list of all known galling organisms, a daunting task.
indeed, and often the inducing organism is unknown or identified incorrectly.
Isn't that what the Annotation: Evidence of Presence -> Gall is for? That's how the Australian Galls project is set up anyway.
it doesn't work for all organisms, or unknowns
@kimcwren thanks! cc @waynesweeds @apistopanchax in case you guys are interested
@andreas_berger Gallen-Gallen-Gallen
thank you for tagging, september is going to be fun :D at least the oaks over here are already more galls than oaks.... @lordandros you too!
party! I mean.... thank you for tagging me :) I am going to participate!
I've been trying to quickly learn my galls here in Rochester NY where we are temporarily living. Happy to participate!
Gally! is it that time of year again? :)
@gyrrlfalcon - for upstate NY look to the goldenrod fields and the oaks and hickories that line them and lo! ye shall observe many a gall!
@albertros in case
Just want to confirm that if you contribute to Galls of California project those observations will go here automatically or at least pooled for research? Thanks!
@gina-barton - no, you will need to upload observations manually to this project
@merav! Bummer!
Cool! I've been practicing. @alex_wentworth @francesreneau @louisnastasi @gwksnaturalist
@merav @naturesarchive Will there be engaging Zoom presentations like last year?
@emmashelton - yes! You @naturesarchive and me are doing one for the Lorqin's Entomological Society on Friday. Info and zoom link here - https://www.bioblitz.club/event-info/the-wonders-of-plant-galls-biology-identification-and-discovery-1
Hotter than hell in TX, but I am excited for another opportunity for a gall week since I couldn't participate in the last one! Thanks for the heads up!
@andricus98 @nmaksimov @tomashovorka @markod @miro49n @sebcato @romanvrbicek @patricklm35 @danielcahen
Galls, galls... Cynipidae!!
@bjoerns @mileszhang
@elkvorr @melica
I was crushed when there was only a Spring Gall week which is when MN is still under snow! Greatly relieved that it will happen this Fall. YAY!
would this be a good timing for MN galls? @gallus3524
Perfect. So many to see. I look for them everywhere but specialize in galls of oak. I have access to a good microscope so can look closely and sometimes dissect them.
Yes, @@seraphinpoudrier, we'll be on the lookout for sure. Thanks for the tag!
@merav I second what @gallus3524 said about this being a great time for the late summer/early fall galls! If there is a second spring gall week, two/three weeks later would be much better for Northern Minnesota because all the snow should be gone by then.
Greatly looking forward to the Gall Week from Botswana.
Please help ID our African galls.
Joined pretty late, but I’m definitely excited for this. I’ll be looking forward to making observations here in Germany!
AAgh I missed it! next time ill get some good galls!
We'll do another one, hopefully in the spring, so please join one of the Gall Week project, or the umbrella project, to follow future events - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/gall-week-umbrella-project
It was so doggone hot here in Texas, I didn't get out much to look for them. Next time I will just suck it up & get out there & look!
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