NOTE: This is not an exhaustive guide, and I am not an expert. Just wanting to compile what I've learned. Feel free to correct anything I've said here.
Dipsacus is a genus in the honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae. Both species in this guide are introduced to the US from Eurasia. They are two of three species present in the country. The third, D. sativus, is found only on the West Coast, whereas the two in this guide are more widespread.
Flower color is not a good determiner of species. Generally, D. fullonum has lavender flowers and D. laciniatus has white, but this is not always the case. See below for some confusingly-colored specimens. Use this as an ID characteristic at your own risk.
D. laciniatus in pink | D. fullonum in white (Thank you @srall !)
These are the long, spindly things beneath the flower head. Their thickness, length, and prickle size and density can be good indicators of species.
D. fullonum:
D. laciniatus:
D. fullonum bracts | D. laciniatus bracts
There are a few leaf characteristics that can separate these species.
D. fullonum:
D. laciniatus:
D. fullonum w/ unlobed leaves & raised bumps on leaf surface | D. laciniatus with unlobed leaves but lacking the raised bumps | D. laciniatus w/ some pinnatifid leaves & no raised bumps
These are the characteristics I've picked up so far. I'll probably be adding more as I find them. Thank you to @joedziewa for kindly providing most of this information.
excellent guide, thank you!
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