Wow, amazing young woman story

Dear City Nature Challenge Organizers,

It is with a heavy heart that we share some sad news about an amazing City Nature Challenge participant, Gwyn Balman. Gwyn lost her life last month in a tragic car accident that also took the life of her brother and severely injured her mother.

Gwyn, @wolfinthefog, was a 16-year-old naturalist living in Arizona, USA. She loved using iNaturalist and her favorite project to take part in was the City Nature Challenge. She was so dedicated to these efforts and her career goal was to get a job with Arizona Game and Fish as a biologist.

In last year's City Nature Challenge, Gwyn made 5,124 observations, logging in the second most number of observations of any participant anywhere. Here is a photo of Gwyn, with her mother Kathy Balman who was one of the City Nature Challenge organizers for the Greater Phoenix Area, Arizona.

Here is the link to the Go Fund Me effort if you have the ability to help the family with their funeral and ongoing hospital costs:


City Nature Challenge Global Organizing Team (Lila, Alison, Sam & Amy)

Publicado el diciembre 8, 2022 02:36 MAÑANA por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


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