Journal 6

Daisies Place, Mooloolah River National Park - 13/07/22
This week at Bug Club we visited a remnant Lowland Subtropical Rainforest. It is hidden away right next to the highway and is a very special place filled with big old trees, ferns, mosses and the Mooloolah River runs through it.

We had a very eager group of amateur entomologists armed with beat sheets, a water net & bucket, torches, magnifying glasses and collection jars.

iNaturalist confirmed observations included : Two Pill Millipedes (Family Procyliosomatidae). The photos uploaded show the smaller one having shed its exoskeleton. It went from being black to a light blue colour. I will continue observing it to see if it returns to being black as the exoskeleton hardens.
Another interesting find was a part of the exoskeleton of a type of Scarab Beetle (Chlorobapta frontalis). We took a photo of it under UV light to see its markings illuminate. If you check our Bug Club Project you will see we had an identifier give us a lot of extra information about this specimen. Very interesting!

A Marsh Beetle from the Family Scirtidae and a Mayfly larva which were both found in the water. A very small Weevil from the Tribe Derelomini, an arachnid from the Genus Mirror-ball Spider - species the Black-spotted Thwaitesia (Thwaitesia nigronodosa), a Green Jumping Spider (Mopsus mormon), a Social House Spider (Philoponella congregabilis) with eye markings on the front and back of its abdomen which would be used to scare off predators, a Bronze Huntsman Spider (Isopedella flavida),

We are still waiting on confirmed identifications of what iNaturalist "guessed" as the Hoary Servaea (spider), Leaflitter Crab Spider, Leaf Beetle larva and Hackled Orbweaver.

Things we found that were not bugs included a Great Barred-Frog tadpole (Mixophyes fasciolatus) and a Drayton Droplet-snail (Pleuropoma draytonensis) that is only found in SEQ and NNSW.

Publicado el julio 21, 2022 12:55 MAÑANA por shechosetofly shechosetofly


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