Searching Based On Host Plant Annotation...

The following observation identifies a host plant for the Snowberry Clearwing caterpillar.

If you click the "Host plant:" label, you get the following pop-up...

Selecting "Observations with this field and value" presents you with a list of observations that have a "Host plant" of "Amsonia tabernaemontana". The end of the url for these results is "plant=126548"...

If I want to see observations with "Host plant: Garlic Mustard"... I'd need to change the url from ...plant=126548 to ...plant=56061. I can find the plant id for any plant by simply clicking "Explore" and entering the species I'm interested in. When I do this for Garlic Mustard, the url has a "taxon_id of 56061 for Garlic mustard...

This isn't very intuitive, but it's the only way I've been able to figure out how to do it and.... it works. If you are reading this and you are a high school student trying to think of a topic for a college admissions essay... consider the following.

My junior year in high school I wrote an interface to the public iNaturalist APIs that allowed professional ecologists to elegantly query and model data showing the insects using a particular host plant. You can use my interface built on top of the iNat api's by clicking here...xxxxxx.

Publicado el abril 26, 2023 12:55 TARDE por stockslager stockslager


Oooo!! I can't wait to try this out. Now if only more people would add the "host plant" field to their observations...

Publicado por m_whitson hace más de 1 año

Two different people have asked me about this recently so just decided to stick this out here publicly. It’s possible that someone following or lurking knows a better way of getting to the same search results. This complexity… believe it or not, is somewhat necessary especially because inat is “generalist”. I probably wouldn’t ask a computer scientist about the relationship between starfish and phytoplankton. The smart computer scientists knows that they don’t know and allows for dynamic, user defined meta data… but it adds complexity when you want to access it.

Publicado por stockslager hace más de 1 año

Good day! Thank you for the information.

Publicado por dorrylevis hace alrededor de 1 año

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