Noteworthy Natives Garden Tour

Wanted to let everyone know that I'm planning to be part of a garden tour. Information about the tour is available at the following link...

Cincinnati Nature Center - Noteworthy Natives Garden Tour

Proceeds from the tour support the many initiatives that Cincinnati Nature Center is involved in. If anyone has an interest in seeing my project (Casual Woodland Garden) but isn't able to attend the tour on June 24th, feel free to message me through iNat and we can arrange an alternate time for you to see it. I've put quite a lot of effort into it and it's something I enjoy talking about and showing to people. I enjoy it even more if I'm showing it to people who know more about plants and restoration work than I do (there are many of you).

~ Jason

After Tour Update - This was a really good experience. Visitors were kind and thoughtful. The volunteers provided by the nature center (to help people find their way around) seemed like seasoned pros. The volunteers they provided made it really enjoyable. We did our best getting ready for it and when the day came the volunteers allowed us to sit on the patio, enjoy the day, and talk to anyone who wanted to talk.

Here are some pics showing the woods on the day of the tour...

Publicado el mayo 21, 2023 11:07 MAÑANA por stockslager stockslager


Oh yes, we already have our tickets!

Publicado por gray-jay hace más de 1 año

Ooo! It looks so cool! I'm glad you got the perfect mix of good visitors and pretty weather.

Publicado por m_whitson hace más de 1 año

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