Virginia Creeper

The Virginia creeper(parthenocissus quinquefolia) is located under the section of eukaryotes, more specifically under green, land plants. It is further classified under seed and flowering plants and since it is characterized by having two seed leaves when flowering, the Virginia creeper is a eudicots along side 263,110 other species.

All the plants found we discovered for our project were perennials meaning they live for more than two years. These plants have adapted to the snowy and cold climate of Montreal, and are able to grow and bloom again in the summer and spring after dying off in the winter.

The Virginia creeper has adhesive tips on their tendrils that allow the plant to climb. This allows the plant to secure itself to walls without another support system giving it an advantage over other vines that require external support to grow upwards.

Publicado el septiembre 17, 2021 07:58 TARDE por adelaidemcintyre adelaidemcintyre


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