

Field Sampling Plan (Condensed Version)

  1. Visit the field station following sufficient rainfall with at least 3 hours of time to dedicate to surveying, not including travel time. Make sure to bring (at minimum): *A camera (phone camera is okay) and way to track GPS coordinates for each photo. *Voucher slips or other numbering system to identify specimens. *Containers and/or bags to safely hold specimens. *A timer.
  2. Spend 1 hour surveying all three plots (total of 3 hours). If possible, keep specimens from each plot segregated, but if they get mixed that's okay as long as they can be matched to their photos and coordinates.
  3. Begin drying specimens in dehydrator with labels. A dehydrator will be at the field station for collectors who do not have one. Sarah will pick up specimens from the field station ~once a week.
  4. Make sure to post your findings to iNaturalist and add to the project.

Full version of the FSP and map of plots will be provided at training session. ...más ↓

Publicado el marzo 11, 2024 03:54 TARDE por verpahh verpahh | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

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This fungal diversity study is being led by Sarah Culliton, Hiram College biology student and member of Ohio Mushroom DNA Lab. Additional users may be added by invite only, following a brief training session. Data will be collected April 1 - November 30, 2024.

Goals of the research project:

  • Inventory fungi species at the field station.
  • Sequence fungi DNA to
  • ...más ↓
verpahh creó este proyecto el 11 de marzo de 2024
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