GSB24 begins in 5 days!
Hello all, again:
In 5 days, this year's Great Southern Bioblitz kicks off. Before then, I'm hoping to get as many participants on board as possible. So, I'm calling upon the following users (who have either participated in previous years, or are prolific observers in the region) to help us – all you have to do is click 'Join' on this Project!
@holly726 @imogenisunderwater @jodiandjohn @kymelen @leahschmidt @louisemac @pimelia123 @rogstanden @salwyn @stephaniegarrood @sweetpia @tpabg @zaliclark @angeladunn07 @ann626 @charlic @costume @emilyshea @firenz @freshprinceontheninche @georgieb123 @jenjen1106 @jimbobo @jksh @leanne_d @mskimh @natlikes @noysy @oranamr @paul_isotope @plonky @redhill_walker @ryan_sinclair @simonthorning @trevg @rach-devlin @carranya @dan_rye @srsbb @drelodiecamprasse @antoncitizen @sharejosie @gidjawalker @elaineo