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Logging High Quality Observations

As part of this BioBlitz, you're helping take real scientific data that can be used for future research. What follows are a number of ways you can improve your data and make it more useful.

1). Take great photos!
This is by far the most important thing you can do. Without a photo, no one can verify your observation, and it will never be research-grade. Even a blurry or distant photo of an animal or bird is an improvement and better than nothing.

Take several photos too! Try to capture different views or perspectives, and be mindful of capturing the characteristics important for identification. For plants, I often turn over a leaf so the underside is showing, or take a photo of the flower, and another of the leaves, or one of the whole plant.

Ideally, you should try to make sure your subject is in focus and well-lit. This can be difficult for small organisms, but without sharp focus, it's tough for others to tell what you ...más ↓

Publicado el septiembre 15, 2017 01:31 MAÑANA por mickley mickley | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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UConn and the town of Greenwich are collaborating to BioBlitz the Greenwich Point in Old Greenwich, CT. Scientists will sample the area for as many species as can be found in 24 hours.

The BioBlitz will provide valuable data on the species that occur on the peninsula, as well as sparking a fun event. The BioBlitz will be open to the public for interpretive learning on Saturday. ...más ↓

mickley creó este proyecto el 05 de septiembre de 2017
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