National Moth Week 2017

NMW time soon.

I am in talks with the govt (AFCD) to hold a public NMW event with AFCD at Lions Nature Education Centre, Sai Kung. Site meeting on Thursday to finalise the logistics. AFCD will then handle the public side of things, such as registration.
The plan as things currently stand will be an introduction talk followed by a field demonstration of moth recording at a light sheet. Scheduled for the evening of 22nd July (a Saturday).
More information to follow, as and when I have confirmation from AFCD.

Update, post-meeting with AFCD on 25th May 2017.

Subject to weather being favourable (i.e. no red or black rainstorm, nor T3 or above) then AFCD will host the public NMW event on Sat. 22nd July, from 18:30 through 21:30 (gates locked by 22:00)

Lions Nature Education Centre, Sai Kung:

AFCD have finally released their information and application form for the event (sign up deadline is Wednesday 12th July)

Publicado el mayo 23, 2017 02:54 TARDE por hkmoths hkmoths


Will you be there? And what language will the event be in? English or Cantonese? (Do you speak Cantonese? XD)

Publicado por kal hace más de 7 años

I will be running the show!

The event will be held in English, with a couple of volunteers to help with translations

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 7 años

How do you suggest we dress? I suspect there will be lots of mosquitoes and gnats. Can we wear mosquito repellent? Will that scare away the moths?

Publicado por kal hace más de 7 años

long sleeves and long trousers recommended. If you are one of those people (like me) who is favoured by mosquitoes, then bring repellent (will not scare the moths!). Lots of mossies at dusk (though we should be indoors at that time, and hopefully less mossies around by the time we get outside.

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 7 años

Crap. I just realized there is a sign up form. Can I still come? I was planning to bring my wife and my two daughters.

Publicado por kal hace más de 7 años

AFCD will be unhappy bunnies with people turning up unannounced, and there really isn't capacity for four more attendees, I'm afraid.
May I suggest you & family attend next Saturday's NMW event (also in Sai Kung District) in that case (this is a private invitational event, where there will be less people and more opportunity for interactive learning, and very likely a larger diversity of moth species) - Please message me. There will also be two other private invitational NMW events, in Tai Po District, on Monday and Wednesday evenings (24th & 26th), which you (and family) are welcome to attend.

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 7 años

Unfortunately I won't be available on those dates. Hopefully some time in the future.

Publicado por kal hace más de 7 años

Sorry to hear that. I have to organise some field work in mid-August. Please message me directly for further information.

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 7 años

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