Chaoborus microstictus Edwards 1930

Only the single genus Chaoborus is known from the Afrotropical region, with 8 species described.

Chaoborus microstictus is widespread in Southern Africa.

Original description in:
Edwards, F.W. 1930. Notes on exotic Chaoborinae, with descriptions of new species (Diptera, Culicidae). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10) 6.
Head yellowish. Antennse entirely yellowish except for the last segment, which is black; all flagellar segments unusually short, the last two not longer than the others, terminal segment (thirteenth) somewhat stouter and more pubescent; verticils shorter than usual, the whole antenna resembling that of the Chironomid genus Tanypus. Palpi mainly dark brown, but second segment largely yellowish. Thorax pale whitish yellow; pronotal lobes dark brown; four brownish-yellow stripes on scutum. Abdomen yellowish. Legs whitish; femora and tibise without dark rings, even at the tip, but with numerous minute brown dots at the bases of the hairs; tarsi with tips of segments darkened. Wings whitish, with small black dots at the bases of the three forks, at the base of Rs, over the cros-veins, and at tips of all veins except R1 and R3. A small adventitious cross-vein (covered by a black dot) connects R1 with the costa near its tip, the actual tip of Rx being faint. Rs longer than in most species of this subgenus, with short spur at basal angle. Cell R, less than twice as long as its stem, its base level with or slightly beyond that of cell M1. M2 angled and slightly spurred at the base. Spur of Cu2 shorter than in most species of the subgenus.. Halteres chalk-white. Wing-length 3,5 mm.

Type locality: Harrismith, South Africa

Key to afrotropical species and illustrations in:
Verbeke, J. 1958. Chaoboridae (Diptera Nematocera). Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission G.F. de Witte 94


iNat observation:

Publicado el agosto 19, 2024 01:21 TARDE por traianbertau traianbertau


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