21,750 observations by 1,949 observers
35,025 identifications by 507 identifiers
3,610 observations (17%) to Research Grade
5,944 observations (27%) identified only as Lichens - help push them here
467 observations ((2%) identified to Order - help ID them here
2,874 observations (13%) identified to Family - help ID them here
7,904 observations (36%) identified to Genus - help confirm them here
1,002 observations (5%) identified to species level, but needing confirmation: - help confirm them here
265 "species"
535 Xanthoria parietina Common Sunburst Lichen
405 Ramalina celastri Cartilage Lichen
281 Lasallia rubiginosa Red Toadskin Lichen
251 Crocodia aurata Gold Specklebelly Lichen
234 Teloschistes chrysophthalmus Golden-eye Lichen
230 Psora crenata Brick Scale
166 Cladonia confusa Fuzzy Reindeer Lichen
149 Xanthoparmelia hottentotta Cape Rock Shield
136 Genus Pertusaria - Pore Lichens
131 Teloschistes flavicans Golden Hair-Lichen
125 Teloschistes capensis Cape Hair Lichen
118 Flavoparmelia caperata Common Greenshield Lichen
107 Dufourea flammea Burning Finger Lichen
105 Lobaria pulmonaria Tree Lungwort Lichen
90 Flavoparmelia soredians Shadow Greenshield Lichen
81 Teloschistes pulvinaris Mat Hair Lichen
81 Complex Cladonia chlorophaea - Cladonia chlorophaea Aggregate
80 Genus Dirinaria - Dirinaria Lichens
80 Heterodermia leucomelos Elegant Fringe Lichen
72 Chrysothrix candelaris Powder Gold-dust Lichen
70 Teloschistes exilis Slender Orange-Bush
66 Cladonia floerkeana Gritty British Soldiers Lichen
65 Genus Haematomma - Bloodstain Lichens
62 Cladonia macilenta Lipstick Powderhorn
59 Dermatiscum thunbergii African Gold Lichen
51 Teloschistes puber Flathair Lichen
51 Dufourea turbinata Turban Lichen
6,435 Parmeliaceae - Shield Lichens and Allies
2,991 Teloschistaceae
1,017 Cladoniaceae - Spindles and Structured Lichens
929 Ramalinaceae
571 Ostropomycetidae
514 Lobariaceae
505 Physciaceae
408 Acarosporaceae
339 Umbilicariaceae
302 Psoraceae
256 Caliciaceae - Button and Allied Lichens
168 Collemataceae
162 Rhizocarpaceae
146 Chrysothricaceae
123 Roccellaceae
90 Lecanoraceae
65 Haematommataceae
54 Stereocaulaceae
25 Peltigeraceae
22 Arthoniaceae
21 Pannariaceae
16 Lecideaceae
7 Brigantiaeaceae
5 Fuscideaceae
4 Opegraphaceae
2 Nephromataceae
2 Sphaerophoraceae
1 Megalariaceae
1 Ophioparmaceae
1 tonyrebelo 7,594
2 anthony369 1,301
3 nicky 827
4 gigilaidler 266
5 shauns 261
6 magdastlucia 241
7 vynbos 192
8 colin25 189
9 botaneek 186
10 dewald2 185
11 rosemary_harrison 180
12 ricky_taylor 162
13 botswanabugs 162
14 djwebster 155
1 tonyrebelo 96
2 nicky 59
3 anthony369 45
4 botaneek 31
5 gigilaidler 23
6 magrietb 21
7 pietermier 20
8 sallyslak 20
9 christiners 18
10 yvettevanwijk1941 18
11 colin25 18
12 shauns 18
13 djwebster 17
14 tessabrunette 16
Many thanks: we would know nothing about our Lichens without your help!
2 tonyrebelo 1,581
3 ian_medeiros 772
4 dianastuder 612
5 vynbos 270
6 lotteryd 214
7 jeremygilmore 152
8 nicky 141
Hello Tony
Thank you for this interesting summary of the stats in iNat of our lichens. In summary, there is a lot of work to progress this group! Thank you for all your hard work encouraging experts help identify our lichens.
Kind regards
Hi Anthony
When are you going to form a Lichenologist Society of southern Africa?
That is what we really need!!
And one of (y)our goals can be to map our lichens.
What I would really love is a small (fork size) portable chemical dispenser, with three prongs (one for each of the chemicals needed), that one can quickly dab over in a corner before photographing the lichen. It must fit in my camera bag and be leakproof.
Hello Tony
I just need some time, I am still getting to grips with the lichens in South Africa myself!
I look forward to seeing your chemical dispenser!!
Kind regards
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