June 11th! We're almost done!

Have you noticed the sound of the wind has changed? Spring into Summer on Cape Cod changes the direction of the wind from the NorthEast to the SouthWest...at the same time the leaves of our deciduous trees are reaching full size, catching the wind and creating rustles and shushing noises. The grasses and roadside wildflowers are getting tall and blooming. Look around for flowers and grass seed heads along roads, trails, sides of buildings, and open areas. Can you find a spittle bug house? Are there grasshoppers, leaf hoppers, caterpillars hiding in the grass? Are you lucky enough to be near the saltmarsh? The fiddler crabs are darting through the green sea pickle, and around the sea lavender leaves that are growing bigger than my hand. The last picture challenge is to record clearly what you see living and growing in your neighborhood and favorite places. Notice things that you see everyday and record them--producers, consumers, and decomposers!

Publicado el junio 11, 2020 01:34 TARDE por falmouth5thgraders falmouth5thgraders


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