Our First iNaturalist Assignment: Virtual Fungi Scavenger Hunt

Our first iNaturalist assignment has two goals: to get everyone to explore the iNaturalist site a little more, and for you to find some good examples of fungi and lichens to help us practice recognizing these organisms.

Browse through iNaturalist's fungi and lichen observations, find the following (see below), and add them to our Bio 313 project. Adding someone else's observation to a project is easy. Open the observation, go to the right side of the screen, see "Projects" and click the drop-down in the search field (it says "Add to a Project"). You should see Bio 313L listed when you click. Select it and you're good to go. (Occasionally, you'll get a listing where the observer has asked that this not be allowed. In that case, you'll have to find a different observation to use.)

What you are looking for:

The coolest photo observation of a basidiomycete fungus that you can find.
The coolest photo observation of an ascomycete fungus that you can find.
The coolest photo observation of a crustose lichen that you can find.
The coolest photo observation of a foliose lichen that you can find.
The coolest photo observation of a fruticose lichen that you can find.

Note that iNaturalist puts the lichens under the type of fungus involved in the mutualism, but don't choose lichens as your ascomycete and basidiomycete examples.

After adding your choices to our Bio 313 iNaturalist site, submit a list to Canvas of which species you chose, what group each one is an example of, and which iNaturalist user made the original observation. First come, first serve, so if someone has already added a species to our site, you can't add another example of the same one.

Happy hunting!

Publicado el abril 10, 2022 12:47 TARDE por m_whitson m_whitson


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