
I’m starting to believe that I have plateaued at 17 species for Oe-Cusse for areas of suitable habitat (0-200 meters above sea level) with relatively slow running water. My last visit to yet another spring in Nipane a spring which I had not recorded in 2015 yielded some 3 species (2 species of Damselflies, and one species of Dragonflies).


Nososticta appears to require ponds and or waterholes with very low to almost inexistent water flow, well shaded places with very good leaf and organic matter. They tended to be found mainly perching on dead leaf patches and this Nososticta is almost imperceptible and well camouflaged in these conditions (teneral stage). The bright orange adults Nososticta appears to be a more active flier than the other (or more easily seen in flight) often perching in branches near the pond.

Publicado el agosto 17, 2018 07:52 TARDE por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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