Small improvements to my records (Bolkenat site)

I have come to realize that at times I spend far to much time taking pictures of specimens rather than taking pictures of the surrounding environment with either a 35mm wider focal length, and this is a flaw in my approach to iNaturalist. I have decided to experiment uploading pictures of the locations and personal notes on flora, geology as well as making available some basic cartography (links to .GPX .Shp files), drone/aerial pictures and so forth to complement the observation. These will be uploaded through journal entries. Please note that this takes a lot of my time, and I will not be able to do all the locations previously collected, but I believe that these notes to be useful for researchers such as @mwnhseehausen and other avid naturalists or researchers interested in gaining better insights into the understudied natural history of Oe-Cusse.

Bolkenat site during the dry season.
During the dry season you tend to find Nososticta impercepta, which was the dominant species here in 2018. The following records were found in this site 13907343, 13907552, 15220267, 15220268, 15220269, 15220270, 15225996, 15242337

During the wet season (end of the wet season) this site has some waterfalls, while so, the water tend to be slow flowing.

Publicado el agosto 19, 2018 02:03 MAÑANA por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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