Road to Aosero

Located soon after Holokhau paddy rice fields, along the road to Tulaika, some 2.8 Kilometer from Tono bridge west abutment, Tulaika edge (LAT:-9.219803°; LONG: 124.293919°) is site located close to paddy rice fields and is made of different small pools where cattle and water buffaloes tend to use to bath and as a drinking holes during the dry season.

The water from this system drains from the paddy rice fields towards Noe Nitu creek, this water is channeled (during the wet season) by means of clay canals build by the farmers. Water flows freely during the rainy season and kids often bath in these improvised canals.

This site has, as mentioned before clayish soils. The predominant trees some living fences (Lannea coromandelica) and some Borassus palms. This site has limited to no shade. The main invasive species found here is J. gossypifolia found in scatered patches (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1- Pond

Dragonflies tended to be found in medium patch of Vitex trifolia. Here in August 2018, the dominant species tended to be O. sabina, and the rare O. testaceum. D. trivialis tended to be more common along the overgrazed grasses with the occasional one venturing close to the Vitex patch (Fig.2).

Fig. 4- Vitex patch

Most of the Damselflies tended to occur one meter from the water edge (mainly towards the deeper side of the pond). Damsels with often perch on pond scum/filamentous algae patches (see Fig.1).

Publicado el agosto 24, 2018 12:08 TARDE por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


@mwnhseehausen another site description for reference.

Publicado por ruidasilvapinto hace alrededor de 6 años

Great habitat descriptions and beautiful shots.

Publicado por briangooding hace alrededor de 6 años

Thanks @briangooding I have started putting these site descriptions together I suppose they may be of some interest to different iNat users

Publicado por ruidasilvapinto hace alrededor de 6 años

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