The season for flying dragons is nearing an end. There are still a lot of species flying, but the numbers will start to decrease.
I wanted to put out the announcement for Odo-Con-19. Mark your calendars for May 31st - June 2nd in 2019! The conference will take place at University of Rio Grande in Rio Grande, Ohio. There will be field trips to Meigs, Gallia, Jackson, and surrounding southern Ohio counties. Housing will be available through dorms on campus or you can stay at a hotel in one of the nearby towns (Gallipolis, Pomeroy, Jackson, etc). We are still looking for speakers and field guides. If you would like to help, please contact me at Once more details are available, I will work on creating a webpage.
2018 Data so far
Jim Lemon pulled the data from iNaturalist to show which counties had the fewest observations for this year. The counties with the fewest observations (when he pulled the data) are Scioto, Pike, Paulding, Ross, and Morrow. We are over 14,000 observations for this year! Thanks to everyone who helped so far. If you have photos that you haven't uploaded to iNaturalist yet, make sure to submit them by December 1st so they can be included in the maps for next year. Any specimens collected are also due to regional coordinators on December 1st.
Species to Watch
Keep an eye out for Lilypad Forktails and Swift Setwings. We have been finding these in new locations and likely new county records are just waiting to be discovered. The Lilypad Forktail is currently state listed as endangered.
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