Late October Update

You never know what you're gonna get. I'm following the thread on the Great Pondhawk just to our north ( Kinda crazy, but fun. This is a bit more of a surprise than the Duckweed Firetail. Keep a look out as the season winds down.

It seems like October has been cool, but our Ode numbers are really pretty good - with 10 days to go, 2021 passed the previous Oct high (772 RG observations in 2019) and has more than doubled 2020 (364 RG observations). We are still short on species compared to the last 4 years, but there's still a little time. Things missing for Oct 2021 compared to earlier years are Blue-ringed Dancer, Swift Setwing, Lilypad Forktail, Violet Dancer, Carolina Saddlebags. To our credit, prior to 2021, we had no recent Oct records for Red Saddlebags and Smoky Rubyspot.

Reminder - the Ohio Odonata Society has a monthly newsletter - The Ohio Dragon-Flyer. With CoVid-19, we have not held our annual meeting - nor charged dues! If you would like to be considered part of the OOS and receive the newsletter to remind you of some of your fave bugs, send me an email at and I'll add you to the list.

Counties on the low end for the year:

Co Obs Sp #People
Lawrence 40 17 5
Noble 39 18 3
Meigs 30 15 3
Gallia 25 17 4
Carroll 24 14 3
Monroe 23 13 3
Publicado el octubre 21, 2021 05:44 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


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