While the Ohio Odonata data are a long way from big data, there are still enough to provide some interesting looks.
If we zoom in to look at individual days, recent years dominate the numbers.
Here are the data for the top days, sorted by the number of records. This sort also captures the top days on species count, county count, and observer count.
Mon | Day | Year | #Records | #Species | #Counties | #People |
Jun | 23 | 2019 | 584 | 66 | 40 | 57 |
Jun | 21 | 2019 | 582 | 58 | 42 | 59 |
Jul | 14 | 2019 | 569 | 53 | 41 | 67 |
Jun | 8 | 2019 | 541 | 66 | 33 | 61 |
Jul | 13 | 2019 | 537 | 52 | 38 | 79 |
Jun | 1 | 2019 | 531 | 59 | 30 | 65 |
Jul | 8 | 2019 | 505 | 58 | 44 | 63 |
Jul | 23 | 2019 | 489 | 50 | 38 | 65 |
Jun | 12 | 2021 | 458 | 66 | 40 | 84 |
Jun | 17 | 2021 | 446 | 57 | 40 | 67 |
Jun | 26 | 2021 | 442 | 60 | 37 | 71 |
Three days all have 66 species recorded. 66 is 42% of our iNat species list - in a day.
One day (Jul 8, 2019) had records in 44 counties. This is half our counties.
The same recent day (Jun 12, 2021) that had 66 species also had the top number of individual observers with 84. This 16% of our Jun 2021 total.
The biggest single day in our data for a species, was Jul 13, 2019 for Blue Dasher with 74 observations in 25 counties.
You may recall that 2019 was the year of our last Dragonfly Conference (pre-CoVid), and our biggest data year - still trying to catch up with that.
species | # |
Gray Petaltail | 2 |
Dragonhunter | 4 |
Rusty Snaketail | 1 |
Riffle Snaketail | 1 |
Midland Clubtail | 1 |
Cobra Clubtail | 1 |
Pronghorn Clubtail | 1 |
Unicorn Clubtail | 10 |
Black-shouldered Spinyleg | 1 |
Eastern Least Clubtail | 1 |
Comet Darner | 1 |
Common Green Darner | 2 |
Cyrano Darner | 2 |
Swamp Darner | 5 |
Spatterdock Darner | 2 |
Brown Spiketail | 1 |
Prince Baskettail | 7 |
Common Baskettail | 1 |
Elfin Skimmer | 2 |
Eastern Amberwing | 13 |
Calico Pennant | 3 |
Banded Pennant | 1 |
Widow Skimmer | 14 |
Golden-winged Skimmer | 1 |
Spangled Skimmer | 2 |
Painted Skimmer | 1 |
Twelve-spotted Skimmer | 22 |
Slaty Skimmer | 7 |
Common Whitetail | 50 |
Blue-faced Meadowhawk | 3 |
Dot-tailed Whiteface | 6 |
Belted Whiteface | 1 |
Blue Dasher | 37 |
Eastern Pondhawk | 28 |
Black Saddlebags | 4 |
Carolina Saddlebags | 6 |
Ebony Jewelwing | 47 |
Elegant Spreadwing | 4 |
Amber-winged Spreadwing | 3 |
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing | 6 |
Sweetflag Spreadwing | 4 |
Southern Spreadwing | 1 |
Slender Spreadwing | 8 |
Emerald Spreadwing | 4 |
Swamp Spreadwing | 1 |
Blue-fronted Dancer | 6 |
Seepage Dancer | 2 |
Violet Dancer | 11 |
Powdered Dancer | 14 |
Blue-ringed Dancer | 1 |
Blue-tipped Dancer | 17 |
Eastern Red Damsel | 4 |
Sedge Sprite | 1 |
Aurora Damsel | 2 |
Turquoise Bluet | 1 |
Skimming Bluet | 7 |
Orange Bluet | 5 |
Vesper Bluet | 6 |
Stream Bluet | 3 |
Familiar Bluet | 1 |
Double-striped Bluet | 7 |
Azure Bluet | 6 |
Westfall's Slender Bluet | 6 |
Fragile Forktail | 16 |
Eastern Forktail | 17 |
Citrine Forktail | 2 |
username | # |
agreenantioch | 2 |
arand | 12 |
benmeredyk | 8 |
billiken | 3 |
birdstar | 1 |
carolr | 12 |
carrie109 | 1 |
cincyjeff | 3 |
czach | 5 |
davee3 | 1 |
ddwhitis | 1 |
dhochadel | 4 |
diane152 | 1 |
dmarsh2 | 9 |
dougoveracker | 4 |
dtibbetts | 3 |
ellienowels | 1 |
entomo-logic | 2 |
eunicepm | 1 |
fruitoftheanus | 1 |
goatgardener | 1 |
gollwoods | 1 |
henryr10 | 7 |
jcefus | 13 |
jessekay7 | 1 |
jheiser | 20 |
jimdanzi | 3 |
jnwelty | 1 |
johnlandon | 1 |
josephclark | 2 |
jparr83 | 1 |
jrmcfarland | 1 |
jwhite_geauga | 1 |
jwosborn | 7 |
kemper | 2 |
kimsmith | 7 |
laureldoc | 20 |
leshwatt | 1 |
lgilbert | 1 |
liliumoryza | 1 |
lisaclairemiller | 41 |
malisaspring | 4 |
markc61 | 1 |
matthewschmalz | 4 |
mcanlic | 3 |
mebrosius | 1 |
mikeabel | 2 |
mikehensley75 | 1 |
mindysykes | 1 |
mlski | 1 |
mmnat | 1 |
monkeycot | 1 |
morgan333 | 1 |
mulyza | 1 |
murrdogg | 5 |
nnavarre | 1 |
pbkelly | 4 |
pepperguy | 1 |
phatpharmjam | 1 |
phoenixb | 1 |
plemmink | 1 |
quddy | 7 |
rasamoto | 39 |
rbloom1986 | 1 |
rboudouris | 1 |
rcurtis | 2 |
ricknirschl | 26 |
roamingthewoods | 40 |
russell_engelman | 16 |
sallypsandpiper | 38 |
shaunpogacnik95 | 1 |
smccabr | 1 |
smwhite | 3 |
srmyers | 1 |
susanbrauning | 4 |
susnyder | 1 |
tdinovo | 1 |
terrinorris | 6 |
theotherjfk | 3 |
vshoward | 2 |
whateverwatcher | 13 |
wildlifecmh | 2 |
winkbaldwin | 2 |
zgraham1994 | 4 |
This looks like most of the usual crowd. This was a sunny Saturday. A funny bit on this, at least for me, is that I missed that day. So it goes.
Dang, I missed that day too Jim. Thanks for these statistics.
Who did the seeing? Yeah! I made the list! Thanks!
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