Mid-June Update

Days are hot and buggy - Great for Odonata, perhaps less comfortable for Odonata Observers.

Number are pouring in, it's challenging to keep up with all the IDs.

For Jun - so far - over 5,000 submissions, 4,400+ IDs to species. 97 species. As it stands, Jun 11 was our busiest day so far, 566 submission, 517 IDs, 61 species, 64 observers.

For the 2022 season - nearly 8,500 research grade observations, 107 species. 44 new county records. Eastern Forktail continues as our most commonly observed Ode, with a big lead over Fragile Forktail. Franklin Co reporting the most records (899) and most observers (53), and Lucas and Stark Co's have recorded the most species (53).

Counties with the lowest observation numbers:
Carroll (4), Gallia (4), Henry (3), Putnam (2), Muskingum (1), Washington (1), Monroe (0)

Publicado el junio 16, 2022 02:15 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


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