Update - 10/10/22

More signs the season is winding down... cooler temps, shorter days...

2022 is now a great year for Ohio Odonata observations. It appears that 2022 will have the most ever records for a year, approaching 33,000. (And a month to go!)

We are now at 136 species for the year. An Ode outing in Williams Co in June turned out to have a Cherry-faced Meadowhawk. Still hoping for Striped Saddlebags and Variegated Meadowhawk.

49 species have a new annual high observation count. As previously noted, 2022 has been a really good year for Painted Skimmer, but also relatively good for Red Saddlebags and Russet-tipped Clubtail.

26 counties have a new annual high observation count. Stark and Lucas had considerable increases - these were never low count, but they got a big push this year.

18 counties have less than 100 observations. The low end is Van Wert, Defiance, Auglaize, Paulding, and Allen, in that order (Van Wert is lowest). (These are counties I've surveyed in recent year - my bad).

Some Darner numbers are down - Green-striped, Lance-tipped, Black-tipped, Spatterdock all have lower 2022 numbers than what we've seen in recent years, and lower than expected.

Publicado el octubre 10, 2022 05:30 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


The lower numbers for the 4 darners mirror my experience this year - Jim Heflich

Publicado por laureldoc hace casi 2 años

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